Chpt 19: Thought it Was a Drought prt 1

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Passion Pov||

I walked through the entrance to the basement and went into the last room on the dark eerie hallway.

I heard groaning in pain and I smiled wickedly.

"Enjoying this aren't you" she said coughing up blood.

"Very much" I said smiling

I watched as two of Raphael's men beat Liah. I saw the irritation in Raphael's eyes as he watched the scene.

"Look here bitch, I suggest you give up my father's connections" Raphael said calmly

I went over to him and straddled his lap. I tucked my head into his neck and listened to his beautiful heartbeat. I sat up and kissed his lips then wrapped my arms around his waist.

"What wrong Princessa?" He asked sensing something was wrong.

"I threw up this morning" I pouted

He rubbed my back then kissed my temple.

"I'm sorry Princessa, I should have been there, but this bitch won't talk unless it's to irritate me" he said

I kissed his nose then got up. I walked over the Liah who was chained to the dirty wall with marks all over her body.

Her face was beaten and she had cuts all over. I walked over the the torture cart and grabbed a bottle the had a bold X on it.

I opened the cap and poured it all over her  scars and cuts. A bloodcurdling scream released from her mouth as she squirmed in pain.

"AHHHHHHH"she yelled then started yanking on her chains

"Don't you like the feeling." I asked squatting down to her level.

I lifted up her chin and a feeling of sadness went through my eyes and left just as fast.

"What f-feeling" she stuttered

"The feeling of knowing your two steps ahead of your enemy. I know this is how you felt when you were fucking with the enemy and sent thirty men to kill us." I growled out

"You always h-had ev-verything you wanted. I-I was always t-he second p-pick. "She stuttered out

I scoffed then stood up dusting myself off. I turned and looked at Raphael's men.

"Give her five minuets and if she doesn't talk cut off each of her fingers until she does. Passion and I are going to lunch" Raphael said in a strong cold voice.

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