Chpt 6: Confessions

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A feeling of fear flashed through me. I started backing away making my way towards the door.

Right when my hand hit the door handle two strong hands grabbed my arms and turned me around. I looked up and saw Raphael looking at me with a frown.

"You're scared of me. I don't like that. I will never hurt you or Promise"he whispered into my ear.

Before I had a chance to reply I was being adjusted into Raphael's lap. I situated the baby so she wouldn't fall.

I looked up at Raphael and gave him a face. He nodded then took a deep breath.

"It all started when my mother meet my father. My father's name is Josephus Costello. He is a very important man in the Buissness world."he paused.

"They meet and instantly fell in love. The only thing was my mother's family and my fathers' were enemies. My mother carries royalty in her blood and my father does also. They had three children being the oldest I take both Kingdoms. When I turned 17 I was the rightful king of the Costello and Tiamoni throwns. I am still king of both Kingdoms"he stopped and took a break.

"So why did he kill my Familia" I questioned hurt.

"My father found out that his last child was not his. My father was furious at my mother. He overthrowed his own family to be with her. He divorced my mother and took everything with him. My father turned his back on his family when we needed him the most. Because I was his son he passed down the company to me. I fired all his workers and brought in new ones. I was very cautious of my fathers employees."he continued

I looked at Promise and she was sleep. I kissed her cheek and laid her on the office couch. I came back and straddled Raphael's lap.
"When my father found out he disowned me and tried his hardest to get back the company. He did not succeed instead he got the Costello family to make me prince. Until I find a wife I cannot be King again. My father told me that every girl I get he would make them and their families disappear. That's why I haven't had a girlfriend. The only thing is my father fell in love with your mother. He was broken when she broke off the engagement. He set out on revenge."Raphael stopped and looked at me.

"So if he loved my mother so much why kill her and try to hurt me."I said crying now.

"Revenge. Love will make you do crazy things. He started making monthly visits to you grandmothers house to see the merchandise. He told your mother either she dies or he gets her first born daughter. Your mother was devasted and called me for help. I put a patrol on your mother everywhere she went. Today my fathers men ambushed my men and murdered your mother. I promised your mom that I would avenge her death and keep you and your sister safe. I didn't know you where the girl until I meet your mom. At first she was furious when she found out we where dating. Then she saw that it was a benefit. She wants us to raise Promise as our child and when she turns 13 tell her who her real family is." He finished the story then looked at me.

"So all this because your father wants revenge and me as his prize?"I asked and he nodded.

"My father holds the remains of your familia so I set up an appointment to get two tombstones in their memory in a garden of red and white roses."Raphael whispered.

I nodded then kissed Raphael on the forehead and stood up.

"Where you going"he asked concerned

"Promise has no clothes or shoes and I do not want to sit here crying. I need to grieve my own way. Let's go shopping then out to eat."I suggested

He nodded then stood up. Raphael grabbed the baby. I walked out the office.

I made my way up the stairs while Raphael started the car. I entered room then started taking off my clothes.

I put on a floral half shirt, jean shorts, brown flats, and a brown bucket hat. I sprayed some perfume and granbed my brown Michael Khors purse.

I ran down stairs and out the door. I walked to Raphael's black Bugatti Veyron.

On our way to the mall my song I Bet by Ciara came on.

So you bought me a car
He can buy that too
I can take car of myself and I can find someone to do it to baby

As I was singing the baby was babbling and smiling in her seat. I took my phone out and put her on Instagram.

The rest of the drive was quiet. We pulled into the mall and I got out and grabbed the baby bag. Raphael got Promise and grabbed my hand.

We walked through the entrance and started walking to the Infant Store. This store had baby clothes in Jordan, Nike,;Versace, Michael Khors,and louis vuitton.

When we walked into the store a sales person was all in our faces.

"Welcome to baby couture my name is Angela. Can I help you" the girl said.

"No thank you" I said and walked away.

I went straight to the Versace and started looking.


Walking out the mall I was so happy. Raphael went to three malls and shopped worse than me.

We got in the car and took off. I reached for the glove department and opened it.

I fished around for a napkin and felt somthing cold and metal.

I grabbed and pulled it and there was a gun

"What the fuck is this!"I asked angrily

Raphael looked over and saw what I had and his eyes went wide.

"Babe, there's something I didn't tell you" he said softly

'What the hell could that be" I said taking apart the gun.

"I'm in the Mafia, well I'm King of the oldest Mafia in the world" he whispered

My eyes went wide and my breathing stopped.

"Okay"I said and turned around.

Give Me You Series 1 || BwwmOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora