Chpt 5: Let It Burn

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Passion Pov ||

I got out my car and grabbed my bag out the bag seat. Last night was amazing with Raphael.

I checked the time and it was 10:00 a.m. I walked to the front porch and unlocked my front door.

I walked in and I froze. My mom and grandma were in the living room.

"Mami, I tried to call you" I yelled walking up stairs.

There backs were turnt to me so I couldn't see their faces. I opened my door and saw a beautiful baby girl in her car seat.

I walked closer and saw a bag of baby product but no clothes and shoes. She had lots of hair and couldn't be any older than a month.

I picked her up and carried her down stairs. I turned the corner And walked into the living room.

I saw my that there were two dolls where I thought my mami and my grandma where. They were bloody and had no eyes.

I screamed as loud as I could then ran to get my phone. I dialed Raphael's number.

"Hello?" Raphael said. I placed the baby in the bed.

"My mmmmom iis" I studdered

Then everything went black.


I woke up to my head pounding and my stomach feeling empty.
I looked to my right and saw a baby.

My memory came crashing in like a wave. I jumped up and checked my surroundings. I was in Raphael's room.

I grabbed the baby and she was giggling. I looked at her and she was a lighter version of me.

I looked on her baby bag and found an envelope. It contained her birth certificate and social security.

There was an envelope with my name on it. I opened the envelope and I immediately noticed my mami's handwriting.

Dear Passion,

If you are reading this letter this means I have been forced to leave you. Passion when you lived with your grandmother I meet a man by the name of Josephus Costello. We started dating for a couple of months. We broke up because i started finding drugs in his pocket. A few weeks later I connected with you father. We started back dating and he found out about you. He passed a few months later. But he had a daughter by the name of Promise. I had Promise 9 months later. You never saw me pregnant with you sister because you were living with you grandmother. A few months ago Josephus sent some of his men to Kidnap me. I escaped after two weeks. That's why we moved to a more secure location. If your grandmother and I have been murdered it is because of Josephus. Please do not contact the police. Be safe and watch over and protect your sister.

Love Always,

Mami Hayes

I felt warm salty tears sliding down my face. I grabbed Promise and opened my door. Two big bulky men were standing there.

"Excusee can you tel me where Raphael is" I asked as they turned around.

"Follow us" the one with the brown leather jacker said.

While walking Danny ran by. I whistled and hw ran back to me and started following me.

"He likes you" they both said astonished.

I smiled then said "what's your names"I asked

"I'm Tino and this Vico" Tino said as they both smiled.

We approached a set of big doors and Toni knocked. When we heard a grumbled 'come in'.

I walked in and closed the door behind me. I turned around and saw Raphael so deep into the computer he didn't look up.

The baby crying broke the silence by giggling. I looked down and grabbed her pacifier.

"She's beautiful" Raphael whispered.

I looked at Raphael and smiled.

"I have something to show you."I said.

I handed him the letter and watched as his facial expressions changed as he read it.

His face was red and the veins on his necks were bulging out.

"What is it babe" I asked.

Raphael Pov | |

I watched as her big Hazel eyed watched me curiously. I sighed and looked up.

"Josephus is my Father" I said.

Her eyes grew big with confusion then fear.


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