Chpt 13: When Shit Hits The Fan

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Passion Pov

I was sitting across Raphael in his office. I was making funny faces at him while he was on the phone. He was shaking from laughter and he was red. He mouthed at me ' Imma whoop you'

I felt this queasy feeling in my stomach. I jumped up and ran to the joining bath room in his office. I threw up all in the toilet and I couldn't stop.

Raphael came behind me and held my hair. I kept throwing up for five minuets. When I finally finished I stood up and brushed my teeth.

"Are you okay Princessa?" Raphael asked

"I think this has been happening since that man came here and that was a week ago" I said

"I need to take you to the doctor" he said

I nodded my head and walked to the room to change. I grabbed some grey Nike joggers, a black shirt that says 'just Damn do it', and some all black Roshe Runs with my name on the back.

I grabbed my MK watch and earrings and my Black Hermes Birkin bag. I walked downstairs and got got in the black Charger. I looked in the bag and saw Promise in the back with her teething ring in her mouth laughing.

I smiled then turned around and turned on the radio.

"Hey did you ever take care of that girl?" Raphael asked

"Hell yeah" I said


Me and Liah jumped out the car and put our ski masks on. I grabbed my night stick and Liah grabbed her baseball bat. We walked up to the girls front door and knocked.

"Open this door hoe" I yelled

The door flung open.

"What do you want" she yelled
As soon as I got confirmation that this was here I swung my night stick across her face. After I saw blood , I blanked out.

It was three days after I found out I almost killed her. She left town after she got out of the hospital.

Flashback over

"She moved away" I said looking at him with a smirk

" mhmmm, I heard what you did to her, you know what happens when you lie" he said

Damn! I forgot about that. That last punishment hurt my ass. I shrugged like I didn't care and listened to the radio.

Liquor by Chris Brown came on and I took my phone out and got on snapchat. I made a video of me singing it and I posted it on my story.

We pulled up to the doctors office and he got Promise out. I climbed out the car and walked beside Raphael and Promise. We took a seat and Raphael signed me in. We sat there until the nurse told us to come back.

She took my weight and height then took me back to a room.

"Wait right here Dr. Marino will be right with you" she said

I nodded then she walked out.

"What do you think is wrong with me?" I asked scared.

"Whatever it is Princessa I will buy you whatever you need to get better" he said then kissed my forehead

The doctor walked in and sat his clip board down.

"Good Morning. Can you tell me what seems to be the problem?" He asked putting his glasses and gloves on

"I've been throwing up every morning for two weeks and cramping." I said

"When was your last monthly?" He asked

"I'm two weeks late, but I'm irregular anyway" I said

"Well I believe that you may be pregnant but we want know until you take a test. I'm going to leave you this cup and I want you to pee in it." He said handing me a cup

I stared at him in shock as he handed me the cup. He smiled then walked out.

"Whatever happens, I will always be there with you Passion." Raphael said

I walked into the bathroom in the room and peed in the cup. I put the lid on it and gave it to Dr. Marino.

"Is there anyway we can speed this up" Raphael said handing him five hundred dollar bills.

"Keep your money, I will do it for free" the doctor said then walked out.

I put my clothes on then sat waiting for the doctor. Fifteen minutes went by and he walked into the room with some papers.

"Ms. Hayes your .......

Next chapter will be up Wednesday

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