"You need to tell her." I shake my head.

"There is no way in hell I'm gonna tell her about this. She already thinks I'm her troubled little sister I don't need her thinking I'm a basket fucking case. But look there's one more thing I have to tell you." She sighs.

"What,Are you on drugs?" I chuckle. My eyes widen when she doesn't laugh. Her face hardens and I gasp. "You're on drugs?!" I whisper yells.

"Well...I smoke weed every once in a while." She gulps. "I'm not addicted to anything...Except for sleeping pills." She whispers.

"That is a very dangerous addiction! You need to get help or something bad could happen. What got you addicted?!" I ask. "I'm guilty!" She says,Throwing her hands up in exasperation. "I'm so guilty about lying to my sister that I can't even sleep at night because I'm so worried about her finding out. So I started taking sleeping pills. When I'm asleep,I obviously don't think about anything. Every time I start to worry about anything,I take a few pills and it's all over for a while. But Dean,I'm worried 24/7 which means that I wanna take a pill 24/7 and...Well you see where that's going." She sighs.

"Aymie..." I sigh. "When and if your sister finds out she's going to freak out. You really need to tell her before she finds out for herself. Because if she does have to find out the hard way,She's gonna be pissed." I mutter giving her a side hug.

"No she wouldn't." She sighs. "My sister has shut down emotionally. She refuses to get angry anymore. It really bugs me. Every time she feels really mad,She just shuts down and walks around like a zombie. She'd rather do that than act on her anger." She shakes her head.

"Why?" I ask. "I've been trying to make her mad since she came here."

"When she was with her last boyfriend,He used to uhm...Be a bit rude to her. And whenever she got mad she'd act on her feelings which only got her into more trouble with him. And five years ago,When she was suicidal,She'd get so sad that she'd get angry and...It's like when she gets angry she gets sad too. It's like those two emotions are attached. She feels like if she gets angry she'll get sad again and she'd just rather not go through it again." Aymie explains. I nod.


"Yeah. So stop trying to piss her off!" She giggles slightly before punching me in the arm softly.

"She told you about that?" I ask. "Yeah. She didn't go into much detail but apparently,You're trying to make her flip out on you. Word of advice. Stop it. It ain't gonna work." She rolls her eyes. "Believe me when I say I've tried." She laughs.

"Whatever." I smirk. "So...Any other secrets you need me to keep?" I ask.

"Yeah." She nods. "I think my sister likes you. I think you like her. And I wouldn't mind having Dean Ambrose as a brother in law. Make that shit happen." She laughs. "No but seriously,You guys would be really cute together and I know you're probable both broken,But have some common sense Dean. When you break a glass and it falls apart,Split right down the middle,That means it's cut in half doesn't it?" She asks. I nod. "If you're gonna try to fix that glass,You're gonna need both pieces to put it back together."

"And?" I ask in confusion. She rolls her eyes. "You're a half and she's a half. It's like a puzzle. You can pretend the puzzle is complete even if it's missing one little piece. But it still won't be true. You still need that once little piece to really,Fully complete that puzzle. She's the piece that your puzzle needs Dean."

"For a nineteen year old you sure are deep." I sigh.

"Yeah I took this one class in tenth grade,It was literature right? And the teacher wanted to be a poet or some shit,So instead of teaching us what we were supposed to be learning,He spent his time telling us stories and making deep quotes and all that. I wrote down some of the crap he said cause I figured I'd need it one day." She shrugs. "One time,My boyfriend got pissed at me so I was all like 'But baby,The sun needs a sky so it can shine' I don't think that makes sense but hey,He wasn't mad at me anymore." She shrugs. I chuckle and shake my head at her.

"You are something else,Aymie."

When raw was over with me and Aymie met up with Sadie at the car. She smiled and hugged Aymie's neck before turning towards me. "Thanks for watching my baby sis." She smiles. I shrug. "No problem. But I need fifty bucks for babysitting." I chuckle. "I probably actually owe you one hundred." Sadie laughs. Aymie rolls her eyes before crossing her arms over her chest. "Please." She scoffs. "You both owe me a thousand for even standing here. I'm a queen and you are ungrateful peasants."

"Just get in the car,big head." Sadie laughs. "Can I drive?!" Aymie asks. "Heck no." Sadie shakes her head. "Last time you drove us somewhere,you almost ran over a pedestrian." "Um it is not a walkway when I'm driving it is a runway." Aymie states. "That lil boy was walking like his ass crack was itchy or something. I had places to go and people to see. This shit is not a game." She mutters to herself as she gets into the backseat. I chuckle before hopping in the passenger seat.

Luckily,it's surprisingly not all that crowded on the streets and the hotel room is just thirty minutes away. I'm quite tired from the day. "I don't know about you two,but when I get to the hotel I'm taking my tired ass straight to bed." Aymie giggles. "Same here." Sadie nods in agreement.

For the rest of the ride it's silent. When we get to the hotel,we all get our bags out of the trunk. Aymie tells me goodbye and starts to walk towards the hotel entrance. Me and Sadie stand there for a moment before she clears her throat,drawing my attention to her.

"Um,thanks for today. I can't tell you how much I appreciate you keeping An eye on my sister and being nice to her. She probably didn't tell you this,but she's actually a pretty big fan of wrestling. She was actually into it a little bit before I was. And ugh,she's a big fan of yours. She kind of looks up to you." She says. I smile. Maybe that's why she trusted me enough to tell me her secrets.

"It's cool. I enjoyed her,she's pretty cool." I shrug. "So see you guys tomorrow?" I ask.

"Yeah. Bye." She smiles.

I nod silently,pushing my hands in my pockets as I watch her turn around. I let out a little sigh before pulling my hands back out of my pockets and grabbing her shoulder to turn her around. "Wha-" I cut her off by pushing my lips on hers.

She responds immediately,putting her arms around my neck and pushing her body closer to mine. I put my hands on her hips to bring them even closer to me before flicking my tongue on her lip. Her hands found my hair and pulled gently at it,causing me to let out a low groan. When I couldn't hold my breath any longer,I pulled away from her,breathing heavily just like she was.

Her cheeks were flushed and her lips pinker than before.The street lights and the lights beaming off of the hotel signs made her eyes shine brighter and her skin look perfect.

"Um..." She mutters.

"That um-I'm sorry." I blurt. "I'm sorry. I shouldn't have-that shouldn't-"

"That shouldn't have happened." She mutters shaking her head. "Right,yeah. It's never supposed to happen." She huffs. For some reason,the small amount of frustration she's letting off isn't making me feel any better. I should be happy. Causing her to be angry is my main goal here,or at least it's supposed to be. But I feel...bad. It kind of looks like she's tearing up. Maybe it's just the lights.

"Um...I'm sorry." I breathe,rubbing the back of my head.

"Yeah it's cool. Just um..."

"What?" I ask.

"Just...if it's not supposed to happen then uhm,just stop kissing me okay? Just stop." She mutters before turning away. I sigh as she grabs her luggage again and starts to walk quickly to the hotel entrance. What the fuck am I thinking lately?

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