One New Message

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Unknown: Hey El, why did you want me to text you? I told u to forget it

Rose: Who's this?

Unknown: Grayson obviously

Rose: Sorry, you have the wrong number. I'm Rose.

Unknown: Ugh, wtf. Forget that shit, I'll talk to you instead then, Rose :) x

Rose: I don't know about this...

Unknown: It's fine, it's just texting x

Rose: Whatever fuckboy.

Unknown: Wait, you're not from NJ by any chance are you? X

---------------------------------- no reply

Unknown: No wait that sounded creepy af, what I mean is... I think we go to the same school. Your friend, Eleanor, must've given me your number by mistake x

Rose: I doubt that. She probably just didn't want to give you her number coz you're a fuckboy.

Unknown: Your surname is Wood ;) x

Rose: Wtf, who is this? This is weird.

Unknown: I told you, it's Grayson :) x

Rose: I've no clue who you are.

Unknown: You do, on the first day when I arrived at school you couldn't take your eyes off me in the lunch hall ;) x

Rose: I doubt that. Don't flatter yourself mate.

Unknown: I'm being serious ;) x

Rose: K then. I've heard about you. Aren't you that guy in the year above me? You have a brother or something idk. You're 17?

Unknown: Yeah, that's me :) x

Rose: Well, idk what u want with me but don't bother.

Unknown: Why? X

Rose: I don't want to get caught up in you.

Unknown: You won't ;) x

Rose: Just don't.

Unknown: I make my own rules ;) x

Rose: Whatever

Unknown: Anyway, I'll see you tomorrow then Rose ;) x

Of course he will see me tomorrow, it's school. My heart races at the thought. It was a bit embarrassing that he realised I was staring at him on the first day... But why would El not tell me she gave him my number? He's so hot, why's he bothering with me?

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