Kai growled at me and I leaned away from him and his teeth. Unfortunately, my chair ran out of chair. Or wood. Or something beside air. So I fell on the floor. On my butt.


"Lloyd is not in his room. He is gone!" Kai shouted at us. "Why can't I get that through your thick skulls!?" His fist hit the table, making us jump. And making the disgusting duck chowder jump.

"I am not going crazy," he insisted, in a more quite voice. "But I am telling you, Lloyd is gone!"

I sighed impatiently, getting off the floor and dusting off my pants. "I'll see," I offered.

Cole nodded and Nya spoke. "I'll come with you."

So Nya, Kai, and I went down the hall, turning at the door which leads to Lloyds room.

"I will prove that your going crazy," I stated to Kai. Nya gave me the eye, which meant not to get Kai any more riled up. I swung open the door, ready to prove my point.

And the bed was empty.

That is impossible.

"Believe me now?" Kai asked. I could imagine his smirk, but of course he wouldn't have one. I mean, this is dead Lloyd we are talking about, right? Why would he smirk on that?

"I placed him right here," I stuttered. I moved my hand on his pillow-well, where his pillow used to be.

"Where's his pillow?" I asked, checking under the sheets. I scratched my head and turned to look at my beautiful Nya and...Kai.

"Why do we care about a pillow?" Kai asked, folding his arms over his chest and huffing.  "Lloyd is the one missing!" He started to tap his foot, but Nya touched his leg and he instantly quit.

Sibling control.

"But all his other sheets are here! Only his pillow is gone," I told him. "I placed his head on his pillow!" It didn't make any difference whether the pillow is there or not, I just wondered why someone would take Lloyd and his pillow. Maybe Lloyd grabbed his pillow while they tried to take him! No wait, Lloyd couldn't move. He was dead.

Nya put her hand on my arm. "Maybe you were imagining things, Jay," she said softly.

"No!" I snapped. I whirled around and looked at her. "I placed his head on the pillow! Just have faith sometimes, Nya! You always give up, so fast!"

She kept my gaze, then slowly lowered hers. I realized how harsh I had sounded and my eyes went wide. I placed my head in my hands and moaned.

"Nya," I claimed weakly, running my hand through my hair. I looked back up at her.  "I didn't mean that."

But she held her hand, which silenced me. Then, she left the room quietly, without a word.

And she took a part of my heart with her.

I wish she also took her raging brother.

"Jay!" he screamed. "You had to say that!? You can't keep your big mouth shut for a minute! Now you hurt her, and Lloyds dead, and I can't seem to keep my temper down, and UHH!" He kicked Lloyds dresser.

I shrunk. A single tear traced my cheek. "It's been a long day," I whimpered, but Kai wouldn't hear it.

"That's no reason why to scream at her!" He paced the floor in front of me. "What are you going to do when you guys are married, huh? What happens if you speak to her like that, then?"

"Uh," I started weakly, raising a hand to get Kai's attention. "We are barely going out, let alone married, and uh..."

"Guys." A moan caught Kai and I off guard. A green movement flashed from the corner of the room. "Do you have to be so loud? I'm trying to sleep here." A blond head and twinkling sleepy Christmas eyes glanced at us, before returning to the pillow on the wall, next to him. "I have a big headache." A soft sigh came from his lips that should have been unmoving, not that I wanted them too.

My wide eyes met Kai's. His mouth was so wide he could fit Pluto in it.

I turned back to the wavy hair and the curled up body.

That's impossible!


Wow guys! So..... Four words.

WHAT IN THE WORLD???!!?!!?!?!!?!?

I had no idea that was coming up. My brain just gets an idea and BAM, it's in the book!

Anyway I don't believe in returning from the dead and what not, because that is just junk. So please, don't put that he came back to life in the comments.

Nope, Lloyd must have not been dead! (I'll explain later ;) ;) )

Surprise! You guys should know that I couldn't kill my fav ninja (beside Kai. Lloyd and him are tie at favorites)

After all, look at the books title page.


That should have gave it away.

Anyway, what did you think?

Comments comments comments and more! I read each and everyone of them! :)

Thanks for reading!


I want lots of comments please! :) <3

Tell me what you think. Why is Lloyd still alive? Hmmmmmm.....comment!

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