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"What the hell do you think your doing?" Emily practically screams in my ear.

"What're you talking about?"

"Shawn! I want him! I do!" Emily stomps her feet like a 3 year old.

"Oh...I, I'm sorry I guess. It just happened." My voice shakes with fear.

"It just happened? Well so did this."

I feel a sharp pain in my stomach and look up to see Emily's fist rising, going in for another. I slide to the left, barely avoiding the punch, and slam into Ben. Again. He holds on to both of my arms, squeezing tight, holding me steady. Emily goes in right for my face, and I see stars. A line of warm blood trickles from my nose. I yell at Ben to let me go. Kicking back, I aim for his little friend. He's too quick, blocks my kick, and pushes me to the floor. Someone throws their foot into my stomach, and I roll on the ground holding my torso.

"Emily, what is wrong with you? I know you think Shawn's attractive but really? Stop," My voice is rough from reviving a hit to the throat in middle of my sentence. I cough and blood splatters onto the floor. Emily yells something at me and Ben pulls me up, forcing me back. Feeling punch after punch, I try to fight back but it's no use. I feel my knees give out, and I see Emily's foot next to my face.

"I asked you to do something simple. And if you didn't, there would be consequences. Don't you remember I said 'or else'?" Emily sneers, pulls back her foot, and then everything goes silent.

Never Be Alone//Shawn MendesWhere stories live. Discover now