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Dress shopping was going to be hard when you didn't have money. Stopping at my house, I told my mom I was going out to get a dress. Handing me a 100, I looked at my mom, shocked.

"I got a bonus, and I want you to use it." She smiles a sad smile. "I know it isn't a lot, but I'm saving for-"

"It's great mom, I love you." I give her a big hug, a kiss on the cheek, and run out to the car where Shawn is.

"Let's go get a dress." I smirk at Shawn and he revs the engine, pulling off to the mall.
We were in Charlotte Rouse when I found the best dress. It was tight, right down to above my knees. The dress was navy blue, tight the whole way down, with gold gems across the collar. With a pair of heels and a necklace, this outfit would be killer.

"Try it on!!" Shawn shoves me into a dressing room and hurries me as I put on the dress. Walking out, his jaw drops.

"Is it that bad?" I bite my nails.

"Bad? Anything but that. You look freaking GoRgEoUs!" Shawn walks over and puts his hands on my hips. Slowly leaning in, he whispers, "I'm so lucky to have someone as brave and beautiful as you."

I feel his soft lips touch mine, as he pushes me gently against the wall. Sliding his hand down, he kisses me like I'm fragile, on the edge of breaking. I kiss back, hard, to tell him I'm not scared, and he passionately presses his lips back on mine. He takes a step back and looks into my eyes.

"Your perfect." He smiles and goes in for another kiss but we heard quick footsteps coming towards us. A lady with little heels, and dressed like a formal school teacher, steps in between my boyfriend and I. I love calling him that. She gives us stern looks and strictly says 'no pda' which makes us laugh even harder when she walks away. I give Shawn a quick peck on the lips and go back to the dressing room.

2 hours later, I've gotten my dress, heels, and some makeup. The dress was $54, and the heels were $20, giving me enough money to buy a crapload of mascara and foundation. I've never owned much cosmetics, so I'm really excited about all these things I had bought. Shawn took me out to a late lunch and then we headed back to his house to get ready. He wolf whistles and winks at me and I head into my apartment. I have 1 text on my MacBook.

Shawn😊: I'll pick you up at 5?

Me: yea😋

Shawn😊: your going to be the best looking one there

Me: next to you

Shawn😊: love you babe💕

Me: love you moreeee

Shawn😊: not possible

Me: your a cutie

Shawn😊: ikr💁🏻

I smile and slip into my outfit. Next, I log onto YouTube. More than half the makeup I got, I have no idea how to use, so I watch tutorials of girls literally painting their faces with foundation, or girls doing their boyfriend's makeup. I find that kind of silly.

After an hour of applying and wiping off layers of blush and eyeshadow, I finally look somewhat decent, going for a more natural look. There's a knock at the door and I shoot my mom a text saying I'll be out late. Probably going to spend the night at Shawn's. Again.

The party was on a road that I've passed a thousand times. Everyone from school lived on this street, including Emily. Shawn was dressed in black jeans, a gray shirt, and maroon vans. One of his more casual outfits, but new shoes and a fancier shirt. He holds my hand as we walk into blaring music and flashing lights. Nash's house is huge, with a big glass door leading  to the pool. People are in the water wearing their clothes, and kids are dancing and drinking around the patio. Girls walk around in lengthy gowns, tight dresses, or next to nothing at all.

Shawn walks off to go find Nash, and I turn a corner to slam into some kid. He's tall and tan, with a gorgeous white smile.

"I'm so sorry! That was all my fault." The boy puts his hand on my waist to steady me, a kind gesture, but it makes me feel uncomfortable. "I'm Ben."

"I, uh, I'm Nicole."

"I know who you are."

"You do?"

"Your the one in the video that Emily put up."

I had almost forgotten about that. Almost.

"Yea... Thanks for the reminder." I turn around to leave, frustrated at his comment. Ben grabs me arm and pulls me back.

"I didn't mean it that way. In all honesty, I liked the video." He grins and pulls me in.

"Your messed up." I push hard against his chest to get away, but his grip is tight. He walks to the stairs, pulling me with him.

"Stop!" I yell and punch him in the arm, struggling to get away.

"I just want to bring you to Nash. He's up here. I know your boyfriend wanted him."

I look to see Shawn searching the room and slowly walk up the stairs with Ben behind me, trying to think up some escape plan. I spin around quick and try to make a run for it, but that's no easy task in heels. Ben grabs my wrist, pulling me up from the floor and pushing me into the first door. I push the door open with my weight, falling face first onto someone's foot. Looking up, I see the angry face of Emily Meyers looking down at me.

Never Be Alone//Shawn MendesWhere stories live. Discover now