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yayyy they're togetha😋hope you're all enjoying this😀would love some feedback💜 tysm -k
I woke up to a body rolling next to mine, moving me into a dip in the bed. Slowly opening my tired eyes, I see a sleepy Shawn doing the same, as he intertwined our hands.

"Morning my beautiful," He smiles and kisses my cheek. "Breakfast at Starlight Cafe?" He receives a nod as I hop off the bed.

"Can we stop at my house so I can change?" I ask.

"Yea no problem." He is so cute. I'm lucky to have him. It was a quick drive home. I unlocked the door with my house key and the apartment seemed eerily quiet.

"Mom?" I yell.

"Mhm?" I walk into my mom's bedroom to find her sitting in her chair, reading.

"What're you doing?"

"I'd like to ask you the same." She gives me a suspicious look as Shawn comes next to me and puts his hand on my arm.

"I...This is the boy I was telling you about. The one Emily likes."

"And you two are now dating?" She glances back and forth between us.

"Uh...yes. I asked your daughter out last night if it's alright." Shawn interrupts.

"Where were you two last night? I missed work, because my daughter didn't come home, praying she wasn't being kidnapped."

"She slept at my house. Well together. I mean," Shawn's face turns red. "We didn't do anything. We just slept. Promise." He stutters and adds a nervous smile.

"Okay... You better treat her well or I'll kick your ass back to where you were born."

"Oh gosh, of course I will. Hell, I'd do anything for her."

"Language." Mom shoots Shawn a glare and he blushes again. "And relax, your the first boyfriend of Nicole's, it's not like you have to beat past douches."
Mom gives Shawn a wink and walks into the kitchen, and we go into my room.

"Your mom's cool." Shawn throws himself onto my bed and sighs. I pick leggings and a flannel with me beanie for my outfit. Ha, typical boring me. As I start to walk into my bathroom, Shawn clears his throat.

"You should change right here," He smirks.

"And why would I do that?"

"Because you love me?" He gives me a pout with puppy eyes too. How could I resist...

"Alright, alright. I guess." I start to slide my leggings down but run into my bathroom instead. I can hear Shawn's 'awww' and I turn around and stick out my tongue.

"You have a dirty mind, Mr. Mendes."

"Is it true I'm your first boyfriend?" He tries to change subjects.

"Maybe. Well, yes. And hopefully your my last." I close the door, blushing, and start to quickly change. I'm surprised how easy it was to talk to him, when before, I never gathered up the courage to ask the girl's at lunch if I could sit with them. The thought of Shawn made me burst into a giddy smile.

I earn a whistle as I walk out, and I toss my long hair over my shoulder. He was the only one who saw any beauty in me, and I was addicted to him.

20 minutes later, we were seated in our favorite cafe, ordering heavenly food. I ask for the cinnamon bun French toast, and Shawn orders a breakfast sandwich. Our food is delicious, and we chat the whole time. Shawn tells me how he found this app called Vine, which he's started posting covers on. Apparently he's already getting popular. How good that must feel like.

When we're done with breakfast, Shawn asks if I want to go to a party tonight.

"It's at Nash's house if you want to go with me. It'd also show that Emily doesn't bother you, that your stronger than she thinks." He wraps his arm around my waist as we walk to his Jeep.

"How would going to a party do that?"

"It'd show that your not hiding, not scared to go out after what she posted. You'd show confidence, and that's something she doesn't have. She makes people feel low to make herself feel better than she really is."

"Well...Only if you stay with me the whole night." I laugh, Shawn could be so smart and intelligent. He didn't know how much he truly helped me move on with my suckish life. He meant so much to me, and I wasn't going to easily let him go.

Never Be Alone//Shawn MendesWhere stories live. Discover now