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Popping in the 4th Harry Potter movie, Shawn scoops me a huge bowl of ice cream.

"Are you trying to get me fat?" I laugh, seeing that his bowl is even bigger.

"Harry Potter movies are the best, go big or go home." Shawn digs into his ice cream before the movie even starts.
I was snuggled up against Shawn, watching Harry fight a dragon in the Tri-Wizard Tournament. Life was good.  It almost seemed as if we had known each other our whole lives. I was getting sleepy, so Shawn and I went upstairs and laid on his bed, his arm around my torso. His warm breath was hot on the back of my neck.

"I never thought I'd be in this situation one day, and especially not with you." I whisper, reaching for Shawn's hand. He intertwines our fingers.

"Me either," He says softly in my ear, gives me a kiss on the back of my hand, and falls asleep. 
----------------------------------------------thanks to everyone who's reading😚😚 -k
Waking up to my alarm clock, I roll over annoyed. I reach over to my bed stand, trying to find it. Opening my eyes I realize that this isn't my room. Oh yea, I slept at Shawn's. Wait. I SLEPT at SHAWN'S! I completely forgot to tell my mom; I'm going to be dead when she finds out. Shizzle.

Slowly rolling over, I find that Shawn is still breathing softly, his eyes shut. I give him a peck of the check and his eyes slowly open. Sleepily, Shawn looks up at me.

"What better way to wake up," He smiles and yawns.

"I have to go home. I didn't tell my mom that I stayed over your house, and it's Friday." And Friday meant school.

"Are you nervous?" Shawn looks nervous for me.

"Not if I'm with you." I blush and run into the bathroom, pulling down Shawn's sweatshirt and putting my hair up in a messy bun. "Do I look presentable?"

"Very, as always." Now it's Shawn's turn to blush. "You want me to take you home?"

"I was thinking you could drive me to school? Maybe?"

I earn a smile and a nod. Texting my mom that I got a ride to school, and that I slept over a friends, I cringe. At least it's somewhat true, right? Was Shawn a friend? I'm wishing he thinks we were more than that.

As he pulls into the parking lot, I feel like I'm going to puke.

"I'm scared," I whisper. Shawn parks and gets out, walking to my side. He opens my door, puts his hand out, and I take it. Not letting go, he walks right into school, me slightly hiding behind him. Shawn walks through the halls as if it's any day. I try not to look, but I hear people whisper as I pass, and people point.

"Hey," I hear a cocky voice and finally look up. Oh gosh.

"Well, guess who decided to show up." Emily gives me a sneer.

"Leave her alone." Shawn steps forward, blocking me from Emily.

"Oh, so now you have MY crush as YOUR bodyguard? Didn't I say to get him to like me? Not you, that wasn't the deal."

"Can you just leave her the hell alone? Gosh, what do you need from her? You have everything you could ever want!" Shawn starts to yell.

"I don't have you!" Emily puts on the 'damsel in distress' look. People start to gather around our little fight.

"And your never going to." Shawn crosses his arms, just now letting go of my hand. I can see his knuckles turning white.

"Why do you even like her? She can't pay for new sneakers, she's not worth a penny!" I don't think Emily ever knew what hit her. Shawn pulls his arm back and punches Emily. Straight. In. The. Face. Payback bitch. I smirk as Emily's eyes immediately tear up, blood running down her chin. Covering her nose, Emily runs down the hall to the girl's bathroom. Shawn gets applause from the kids who were watching their scene. And just like Shawn said, they will now all be obsessing over something else. And that was how much of a good punch Shawn got.

Never Be Alone//Shawn MendesOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz