Chapter Nine: Blown Away

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*Louis' POV*

"What do you mean you're leaving."

"Look McKenna, I know you have a lot of shit going on. I would love nothing more than to stay with you."

"Then why aren't you? I need you! I can't live on my own!"

"You know why I can't! I have to go to America. I tried to tell you, but I've been packing."

"So that's it? You're just gonna leave me?"

"I'm so sorry McKenna, but you have to understand. This is something I can't turn down. This is the biggest oppertunity of my life."

"Whatever. Just get your stuff out of your room and leave me alone."

I heard footsteps go to the room next to the one I was in. Then after a few minutes, I heard more go back down the hall and then the elevator doors open and close. I creeped into the hallway afraid of what I might find.

That's when I see her. McKenna, slumped against a wall staring at the elevators. My heart breaks when I see a single tear roll down her cheek. I silently make my way over to her and sit down across from her.

"She's leaving. She's going to America. My best friend in the entire world, the only person I remember through all this, and she's just leaving! I can't live on my own." With that, she started crying. I scooted closer to her and pulled her into my chest, rubbing my hands up and down her arm. I took two fingers and put them under her chin, lifting it so that she looks in my eyes.

"You aren't alone, McKenna. You have me and the boys. We won't leave you alone. Ever. You can't get rid of us that easy." She let out a small laugh before basically tackling me to the ground in a huge bear hug.

"Thank you so much Louis. I don't know what would happen to me if you weren't here." I felt my heart pick up speed as she said that.

Stop it Lou. That's not manly.

Oh shut it. You like her. Get over yourself.

"AHHHHH INTERNAL CONFLICT!" I scream, without even knowing I did. McKenna jumped back, clearly startled by my sudden yelling. We hear the buzzer go off and this time, both of us jump. McKenna shook her head, probably trying to shake the startled feeling, and got up to answer the buzzer.

"Who is it?"

"It's Harry, Liam, Zayn, and Niall. Let us up. It's important." She buzzed them up and a few moments later, the boys came in. But they weren't alone. Paul was behind them carrying a ton of suitcases.

"What the hell?" I said when I saw my suitcase amongst the others.

"The f-"

"FUMIGATION!" Everybody stared at me like I was crazy. "Uh, yeah. Our flat got an infestation and now they're fumigating it." I gave everyone a look saying just go with it.

"Well, we just stopped here to take a break. We've been searching for hotels for hours. Everybody's booked solid for the next few months." The boys looked tired. Why didn't they call me? I could have helped them.

"You can stay here." My head shot up to the source of the voice. That's funny, I could have sworn she said you can stay here.

"Really?" Harry said hopefully.

"Yeah! I have enough room for all of you. You don't need to pay for a hotel. Stay as long as you need. You guys welcomed me, it's the least I can do." She replied with a smile. Paul looked relieved as he dropped all the suitcases, Liam looked a little confused, Harry looked tired, Zayn was asleep and Niall looked ecstatic.

Learn Along The Way (A Louis Tomlinson Fan Fiction)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora