Chapter Six: My Noble Steed

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*Louis' POV*

I was woken up by a weird voice. It was saying, "Carrots! You have a phone call! CARROTS!" I quickly realized it was my voice, or rather, my voice as a ringtone. I look at the caller ID. Blocked. Curious, I answered.



"Eleanor? why are you calling me?"

"Uh, because you're my boyfriend? Am I know allowed to call my boyfr-"

"Don't call me that. Don't say that word again. I am not your boyfriend."

"Wait, what?"

"You heard me."

"Loubear? What the hell? Why are you doing this?"

"The boys saw you."

"Saw me what?" she asked, but I could hear the confused edge in her voice disappear. She obviously knows what I am talking about. This enraged me.

"You've been cheating on me! Did you honestly think I was that stupid? That I wouldn't find out?" I felt McKenna stir next to me.

"Loubear. I'm so sorry. I love y-"

"Don't say something you know isn't true. You don't love me. You never did."

"LOUIS! How can you say that?"

"If you loved me you wouldn't have been cheating on me."

"Louis. I'm in lo-"

"Stop! I gotta go. I'm with my friend McKenna right now. Please, do everyone a favor and don't call here again."

"Can't we still be friends?"

"No, Eleanor. We can't." With that, I hung up, tears brimming my eyes. Two years. Two fucking years I did nothing but love her. This didn't make sense. I looked down at McKenna. At that moment, I swore to myself that I would protect her. I won't let any guy hurt her like Eleanor hurt me.

Okay, well now I'm crying. Great. How manly, Louis. I held my hands in my head. Why did this hurt so much? I felt tiny arms snake their way around my waist. I looked over at McKenna.

"Lou, what's wrong."


"Is that your ex?"


"Do you wanna talk about it?" I looked into her eyes and saw hurt all throughout them.

"Not particularly. But why do you look hurt?"

"When you hurt, I hurt." I smile at this and wrap her up in a huge hug, pulling her in close. I rested my head in the crook of her neck. She smelled like vanilla. Eleanor always smelled like Justin Bieber perfume, and way too much of it at that. This smelled natural, comforting, sweet. I liked it.

"Do you want some tea?" She nodded and I reluctantly let go of her and made my way over to the door.

"LOUIS!" she screamed. I jumped ten metres and turned around, surprised. Man, that girl can yell.

"What's wrong, Love?" She lifted her arms above her head and made grasping motions with her hands. Oh, I've seen this plenty of times. I do have four sisters after all. She wants me to carry her. I chuckle and walk back to the bed. I kneel down and face away from the bed while she climbes onto my back.

"Onward, my noble steed!" I laugh and run down the hall towards the foyer. Once I get there, I look left and right.

"You should really have signs in this place." She giggles and points to the hallway all the way to my right.

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