Chapter Twenty-Three: Switzerland

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*McKenna's POV*

A month and a half later..

"Lou! Where are my pink jeans?"

"How should I know?" I grunted and continued tearing through the pile of clothes in front of me. We should have left the flat twenty minutes ago, but of course, nothing goes according to plan. Last minute packing, lost keys, missing passports, nothing seems to be going right.

Ever since Louis surprised me with these tickets to Switzerland on our date last week, things have been going non stop. Plans made, arrangements handled. I'm starting my week in the studio after New Years, so Lou thought it'd be a good idea for us to get away before. Which brings me to this morning, the morning everything disappears apparently.

"Oh! I found them!" I exclaimed to myself. I put my favorite jeans into my suitcase and brought it to the elevator.

"Got everything?" Louis showed up behind me.

"I hope so." I mumbled. We got downstairs and into a cab and we were on our way to the airport. We had to run to our gate after we checked our bags since we were late to start and there was traffic, but we made it.

As soon as we got to our gate, we boarded the plane. Sitting down into our first class seats, I put my headphones in my ears and started to play All Kinds of Kinds by Miranda Lambert.

My left headphone was pulled gently out of my ear. I looked to my right to see Louis putting it into his left ear. He smiled at me and patted his shoulder. I took this as an invitation and rested my head on it, feeling him settle his head on mine.

He interlocked our hands and I closed my eyes, feeling his thumb caress my hand. Slowly I drifted off to sleep, listening to my playlist on shuffle and feeling the rythmic pattern of my boyfriend's breathing.


When we touched down in Bern, the capital of Switzerland, we got into a cab and went to our hotel. It was right at the base of a mountain. Louis and I walked into the lobby, suitcases in hand. It felt kinda cool, not having paparazzi everywhere. It felt as though nobody even knew who we wer- "McKenna?" I spoke too soon.

I turned around to see Charlie, the guy I met on the airplane to America.

"Charlie? Hey! What are you doing here?" I walked up to him and he gave me a huge hug, to which I reciprocated. Louis coughed awkwardly behind us, and immediately I pulled away from Charlie. I took his hand and brought him over to where Louis was standing.

"Louis this is Charlie. I met him on the plane when I came to surprise you in America. Charlie this is Louis. My boyfriend. He's the one I was going to see when I met you." They shook hands. Louis visibly relaxed when a young woman came up behind Charlie.

"Hun? Who is this?" She asked with a sweet smile. She had a thick southern accent, a gorgeous smile, and bright blue eyes. Her blonde hair was swept into a side ponytail.

"Johanna this is McKenna and Louis. I met McKenna on the plane when I was coming home from Iraq. McKenna, Louis, this is my wife, Johanna." While she shook hands with Louis, I took a good look at her.

She was wearing a long pink coat the flared out at the bottom, quite similar to my white one I was wearing. Her pink beanie contradicted my black one. We both were wearing black jeans under our coats. We had the same earrings on, except mine were pink and hers were black, and we had the same exact boots on. We apparently had the same style.

"Hi. It's really nice to meet you." I said.

"Nice to meet you too. I love your outfit. I think I've seen something like it before." We both laughed. I looked over to see Charlie and Louis deep in some conversation. I heard Charlie say gun so I'm assuming they're talking about something to do with the military.

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