Chapter 2: Unsurvivable

Start from the beginning

Lloyd gasped, his eyes focusing on us. He started choking and his glazed over eyes moved from side to side once more. It was like his throat was swelled up from the inside.

Nya nodded. "B-but there's no cure, Kai!" Her voice cracked and Jay put his arm around her, comforting my sister and his girlfriend as much as possible.

"I know!" I slammed my fist down on the deck once more. "What century is this? There has to be a cure somewhere!" I gazed at Zane.

"Zane, search every possibility in your data bank! There must be something!" I was desperate. Lloyd was dying, and there was nothing we could do.

Zane frantically looked at me, then Lloyd, then back to my hazels.

The next words will forever be planted in my mind.

"There isn't."

Lloyd strangled a cough and his chest heaved. All eyes were on him, begging him to fight this poison.

Slowly, his chest stopped moving. He closed his eyes and his head tipped to the side.


"Zane!" I screamed, picking his head up and putting it into my lap, "do something!" I ran my hand through Lloyds sweaty hair, hoping that he would start breathing again.

Zane scanned Lloyd quickly and checked his eyes and pulse. "There-there's nothing to do!"

Everyone gasped as Lloyd let out a breath. But he didn't breathe in again.

I hung my head. It was declared by Zane a few seconds later.

Lloyd was dead. The green ninja. Gone.

A tear slide down my face, making a trail I knew many would follow. I angrily wiped it aside.

Who ever did this would pay. And pay dearly.

I stood up and roughly pushed past everyone, who all had their head bowed, and tears in their eyes.

"Kai," Nya called out weakly from her place on Jays shoulder.

"NO!" I screamed, refusing to believe he's dead. "NO!" I punched the wall over me over, and for the first time, nobody made a move to stop me.

I stopped, breathing hard.

"Kai," Nya started once more.

"Shut up!" Everyone froze. I continued. "Lloyds dead. We failed! I FAILED! I promised to keep him safe; that I would always be there. But where was I!? WHERE WAS I?!" I bellowed to the group. I lowered my voice. "I was there. I did NOTHING! I hate it! I'm so useless!" I sank to my knees.

Lloyds dead.

For once, this was out of my control. I could do absolutely nothing while I watched my friend die.

I slammed my fist over and over into the Bounty deck once more, then stood up, angry tears rolling down my cheek. I looked through the blurry ness and ran my hand through my hair. I saw my friend; my brother, laying dead on the Bounty deck.

"I." My voice wavered. "Am going to find who did this, and they will wish they were never born."


Wow. That's the first time I had to say fire ninja. *stands back and admires work*

Gasp! I just realized!

Lloyds dead! :0 Bwhaha! I killed him! Wow!

Don't cry. I know some of you might!

What would you do, if you caught this HWR?

(And please, no swear words in the comments)

I would dnswonjdowksbeihcwoisjdnskskznzkaowonnsaojksnxj. I'm so mad, I can't even say!!

Breathe in, cool down. Breathe out, relax.


Anyway, what's gonna happen!? :0

Cliffhanger! :0

How are the ninja going to survive without Lloyd? :0

Or will they? :0

Anyway, comment! And tell me what you think. Let me guess: most of you didn't see that coming!

I didn't either. My story just kinda....went that way.

Please, comment!

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