Chapter 5. A Loyal Stranger

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Darkness was everywhere, and I couldn’t escape. There was nothing. Suddenly, a speck of light appeared, but it was so far away that it made no difference. Suddenly, I realized what was happening. No! I couldn’t die. Not yet! Suddenly, the bright light grew larger and with a shock, I realized that I was moving closer and closer to it. I tried to escape, but I couldn’t. I couldn’t move. How? I screamed as the light consumed me... 

“Miss! Miss! Wake up! It’s ok! You’re safe now.” a voice said. I didn’t recognize it, and tried to open my eyes. A bright light appeared, and I closed them quickly. Someone mumble something, and i heard a small click. 

“Try opening your eyes now. The light has been turned off for you.” the stranger said. I squinted, just to be sure, then opened my eyes fully. Where was I? The room was a pale blue colour, and the ceiling was a light cream colour. I tried sitting up quickly, then gasped as the tubes connected to my wrists and arms held me down.  Suddenly, I heard something, and had to stop myself from laughing. It was my breathing! I sounded like Darth Vader; I had an oxygen mask over my mouth. I laid back down and inhaled, then looked around, slightly tilting my head so that the tubes wouldn’t tangle. There was another person in the room. It was a lady, with fair skin, and chocolate brown hair that fell down to her waist. She wore a white coat, and was holding a clipboard. She looked at me, and began to speak. 

“Hello Miss Hunter. My name is Audrey, and I will be taking care of you, whilst you remain in this state.” 

I looked at Audrey blankly, and her calm expression faded into concern.

“Do, do you remember anything, Miss Hunter?” she said, hesitating.

When I shook my head, Audrey walked over and sat down on a chair next to the bed, her face grave.

“Miss, you slipped upon the sidewalk down at Smithe Street and a car hit you.” she mumbled quietly.

“Injuries?” I asked, not looking at her.

“Broken pelvis bone in two places, dislocated arm, broken wrist and a few fractured ribs.” she said, looking down at her clipboard. I looked up at the ceiling and sighed. 

“Am I in a hospital?” I asked.

It seemed like a stupid question, but I wanted to be sure. Audrey nodded. 

“Yes Miss. The man driving the car called the ambulance immediately, and...” she trailed off.

“And what?” I demanded. Audrey looked at me.

“He’s still here. He hasn’t left yet. I’m starting to get a little worried...” she said.

“Why?” I asked. “How long has it been?” 

Audrey hesitated.

“It’s been two weeks, Miss. He’s been here the whole time, sleeping in chairs, buying food from the cafeteria downstairs, he hasn’t left your side.” 

Two weeks! Who was this guy? Did I know him? Did he know me? And why did he stay?

Audrey smiled at me. 

“He keeps on demanding for updates on how you are. He’s really concerned about you. If you want, you can talk to him. He’s outside now.”

I nodded and watched as she stood up, brushed down her dress and quietly walked to the door. She opened it slightly, poked her head out and mumbled something. I watched as she, and the man walked into the room. Him. It was him. Suddenly, all the memories flooded back, and I said, “Oh.” My heart rate was growing faster, and the monitor was making that very clear. As he approached, he looked over to it and grinned at me. My heart stopped, and a drawn out ‘BEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEP’ filled the room. His grin faded, and he ran to my side instantly, a worried look on his perfect face. 

“Are you ok?” he asked. I nodded, and gave him a weak smile before slumping back onto my pillow. He sat down beside me and looked at me. After a few seconds I grew uncomfortable.

“Who are you?” I asked, looking at him curiously. 

He looked down at me and smiled. 

“I’m Jackson Taylor.”

“Why are you still here?” I fired at him.

“Because I hit someone with my car. You’d expect me to be worried, and I am.” he mumbled, looking at the ground. Something was going on here, and I had a pretty good idea of what it was. 

I turned to Audrey. “Excuse me, Audrey. I haven’t eaten in a while, would it be possible for you to get me something from the cafeteria?” I asked in my sweetest voice.  

“Sure.” Audrey said warmly, before turning towards Jackson. “Do you want anything hon?” she asked, batting her eyelashes at him. 

“Nah, I’m good.” he said, not taking his eyes off the tiled ground.

Audrey seemed a bit upset by his lack of attention, and walked quickly out the door.

My confused thoughts were confirmed when I looked over at Jackson.

“Where’s your Shadow Angel?” I asked curiously.

Jackson looked up at me in shock.


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