Chapter 4. A Beauty and A Broken Girl

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  • Dedicated to Astrid

I grabbed my coat off the hanger and popped the freshly cooked slice of toast in my mouth. I quickly scribbled a note to Grandma Rose, saying that I was going out, then I walked out into the world.

The crisp morning air struck me as I closed the door quietly behind me. I shivered, and thrusted my cold hands into the pockets of my woolen jumper. As I walked along the icy footpath, I suddenly bumped into someone, and stepped back.

“Oh, I’m so sorry I wasn’t watching where I was going.” I mumbled, then looked up, and up, and up some more to see the giant person who I had collided with.

I gasped when I saw his Shadow Angel, staring angrily at me. No halo floated above it’s head, instead a pair of sharp looking horns protruded from his head. He wore shredded rags and had fiery red eyes, instead of gold.

“Watch where you’re going!” the man muttered loudly, before roughly pushing me into a pile of snow, and trudging off. I shook the snow off me, then winced as I tried to move my arm to get me up. I looked at my arm and instantly regretted it. I tenderly grabbed it and moved it, ignoring the sharp stabbing pains, and tried to bend it back the way it was supposed to be.

But I couldn’t and in the end, the pain was too much for me to bear. I looked around to see where I was. Smithe Street. Not that far away from the local hospital. I choked back a scream as I lifted myself off the ground with my good arm. It hurt so badly, but I fought off the pain and started to stumble down the road. I clutched my arm gently and kept walking.

Suddenly, it started to snow. Oh great, exactly what I need! I thought as I pushed myself to keep walking. Suddenly I slipped and felt myself hit something. A loud screeching sound filled the air, and with a shock, I realized that I had hit a car. I rolled on the bonnet, or was it the roof? of the vehicle and hit the ground as it stopped with a jolt. All I could see was white, falling white everywhere. Suddenly I heard a bang, and a voice crying out to me. It was a man, who sounded roughly around my age, his voice was rough sounding and husky. He sounded stressed and worried, and I wanted to tell him that it was ok, that I was fine.But I suddenly realized, I wasn’t. I couldn’t move.

Suddenly a face came into view. It was the owner of the worried, husky sounding voice. I choked on my own breath when I saw his face. He had blonde hair, tinted with brown, which was just covering his eyes. His eyes, they were a colour that no one could describe. A blue, and it was an amazing colour. His face was perfectly chiseled in every way. I took a deep breath, and winced as the pain in my chest grew bigger. He looked at me, worried, and held out a hand. I tried moving my hand to his, and gasped. The pain had not stopped, it was worse. He drew his hand away quickly and his eyes grew wide.

“I’ll be back, don’t worry, I’ve just got to ring the ambulance.”

He pulled a black iPhone out of the right pocket of his jeans and turned away, muttering words quickly into the phone. I closed my eyes and slowed my heart down a bit. After that man shocking me with his perfect looks... there was no way that I was having a heart attack over some stranger. I heard footsteps and opened my eyes quickly, hoping it was him. And it was. Once again, his perfect looks struck me. Then I realized that something was different about him. Something that I had only ever seen in one other person. Me.

“Hey!” I said loudly. He looked down at me, and at that same moment, paramedics pushed past him carrying a stretcher. I winced as the paramedics applied the neck brace, and lifted me onto the stretcher. As they carried me to the ambulance, the world darkened and I closed my eyes and forgot how to breathe. 

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