Chapter 9 Pt. 2

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Scotts Pov:

Stiles, Isaac and me were out in the waiting room for a hour.

"Scott," my mom said approaching me. "What you you guys did was a heroic act but I think you all should get back to school."

"How is she?" Isaac asked.

"Well Bayley was great during surgery but we tried to wake her up but she's unconscious." My mom said looking at Isaac. "But she'll be fine. What is she anyways?"

"We don't know yet." Stiles said. "Her eyes shine red, green and purple."

"Oh, well kids get back to school."

We were leaving and Bayleys mom was walking through the door.

"Where's Bayley? I just got out of work so I just got your call." She asked.

"Shes upstairs. She had to get stitches. Her healing wouldn't trigger and she got cut deep on her stomach." I said.

"Oh god! Uh Isaac can you wait at my house after you get out of school."

"Yeah, but we gotta go back to school. I'll be there." He said.

Bayleys mom ran inside and we left for school.

"Who did that to her?" Isaac asked as we pulled up to the school.

"I don't know, but we better get to our last class. We'll figure it out though." I said.

We got out of Stiles jeep and headed for our last class.


School was over and Stiles went home for awhile and I went home to wait for Lydia and Kira.

Kira showed up but Lydia didn't.

"Lydia thinks we should go to Eichen house tonight."

"Why?" I asked.

"Because at the end of the book its dedicated to Dr. Valack."

"So he'll know something?" I asked.

"We think so, Lydia is over at Stiles. But Malia cant come." Kira said.

"Okay." I hugged Kira. "So what do we do until then?"

"Can we go see Bayley? I want to make sure she's okay."


We arrived at the hospital and Isaac was there.

"I thought you were waiting at Bayleys?" I asked him.

"She wanted me to wait til Logan and Marilyn got out of school so I could bring them here to visit. They left like 15 minutes ago."

"So what are doing waiting out here?" Kira asked Isaac.

"They won't let anyone in for a couple minutes, they need to take blood and stuff like that." He said.

We waited a couple minutes and a doctor came out to tell us we could go in. We walked into the room and Bayley was laying on the bed unconscious.

"Bayley?" Kira said.

"She's unconscious." Isaac said.


Isaac went a around to the Bayley and pulled her blanket to her belly button and lifted lifted up her hospital gown. She wasn't healing.

"Shouldnt she be healing?" Kira asked.

"Yes," I said.

"Who did it?" Kira asked.

"We don't know. But we'll ask her when she wakes." Isaac said.

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