Chapter 4

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I could barely wake up this morning. I got text from Stiles asking me if I wanted coffee for waking me up last night. I took the offer. I curled my hair, put on a sweatshirt, jeans, and put on my bearpaw boot. I ran downstairs and quickly slapped a peanut butter and jelly sandwich together, put in a plastic bagging and left for school.


"What's your plans for the weekend?" Stiles said handing me a frappicino.

"Thanks, and nothing. Mhh how'd you know?" I said looking at my coffee.

"Its every girls favorite." He laughed. "Will you do me a favor and give this to Malia when you see her, I gotta go get Scott."

"Okay." He handed me another coffee and got in his car and left.

I walked inside to my locker and put my stuff away and started looking for Malia. Once I finally found her she came up to me and I held out the coffee and she took it.

"Where's Stiles?" She asked.

"He had to go get Scott." I said taking a sip of my coffee, "Have you seen Isaac?"

Malia just smiled at me, "I saw him go into the boys locker room."

"Okay thanks, bye."

I walked to the other end of school to the locker room. I just stood outside and whispered, "Isaac if you can here me come out to the hall."

I waited a few minutes and Liam come out pulling Isaac's arm.

"He didn't hear you but I did." Liam said walking back into the locker room, "Have fun kids."

"So you know about us." Isaac laughed leaning up against the wall.

"Yeah, I've always kinda knew."

"So, you wanted to tell me something?" He looked at my lips.

"Yeah, um. Do you wanna hang out, sometime?" I said twirling a piece of my hair.

"Of course, today after school?" He ask.

"Okay, well then I need your number then." I smiled.

He gave me his number and I gave him my number.

"I'll call you after school." I started walking down the hall.

"Okay, I'll see you at lunch." Isaac smiled and walked back into the locker room.

I walked to my locker and the first bell rung. I grabbed my books and went to class.


By lunch time I was half asleeep. I sat down at table outside, and Isaac came up to me and sat down next to me.

"Hey." I said with a mouth full of my sandwich.

"Hey!" He laughed.

Scott, Stiles, Malia, Kira and Lydia sat down with us.

"Hey its Friday got any plans?" Lydia asked us all.

They all shook there heads.

"I do." Isaac said.

"What?" Stiles asked.

"Me and Bayley are going on a date." Isaac smiled and looked at me.

Lydia looked at me and smiled, "Don't have too much fun kids."

We laughed and ate our lunch. Stiles and Malia ate like they havent eaten in ages. When the bell rang everyone dispersed.

"I'll see you later," I stood on my toes to kiss his cheek.

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