Chapter 13

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I tried to run to the door. I was having a major panic attack, I couldn't focus on anything. My vision was all blurry. I felt as if I was in a water bottle and someone would slowly tilt it back and fourth. I turned to see Liam and he picked me up and threw me on his shoulder. He was running and I heard my car door open. He sat me in the passenger seat and he stuck his hand in my pocket and then stuck it in my other pocket. I closed my eyes and tried breathing in through my nose and out my mouth. I started to see clear and I saw Liam hold up the keys to my car. He slammed my door shut and ran to the other side and started the ignition.

I kept breathing through my nose and out my mouth. I could see totally clearly now. I tilted my head to Liam and saw that he was driving.

"Don't scratch her." I said.

We stopped and I saw that we were at Scott's. I got out but I was still shaking. Scott came out and I heard him say, "You guys are back soon."

"Her family is missing." Liam said.

I was still making my way up the stairs.

"What do you mean?"

"Old friends.." I said. "Old friends was carved on the ground."

"What's that?" Scott asked helping me up the last step.

"Our code word if anything is wrong."

Scott and Liam helped me inside. Isaac jumped up and grabbed me.

I couldn't help myself so I started crying. I tried talking but the lump in my throat prevented it.

He sat me down and wiped every tear off my cheek while Liam told them what happened.

Lydia looked pale while Liam explained it all, and I wasn't the only one who noticed it too.

"What Lydia?" Stiles asked.

"Uh, have any of you read chapter 20 yet?"

Everyone shook there heads.

"This happens in the book."

I stared at her blankly. I was filled with frustration and confusion.

"And they die in the book too huh? I die right?" I said my voice getting louder.

"I don't know."

My claws came out and I had to hide them. But they wouldn't go away. So I had to clench.

I felt everyone blanks stares on me. I looked over and I noticed Theo wasn't there.

"Where's Theo?" I asked.

"He left a couple minutes after you guys left."


Today is Thursday. Its been a few days since my family has been missing. Sheriff Stilinski has a search party, I told him not to because it could deal with the supernatural. He just said that its his duty to do so, supernatural or not.  I've been staying at Isaac's, but I haven't slept. But I don't know what to do. There's no evidence, no traces. I don't know where to start first. I've spent all day with Stiles instead of going to school. Since I wasn't aloud to be at the Sheriffs office all day because I had school, Stiles said I could sit in his Jeep all day in the woods so I could listen to the radio.

"Why don't you go to class?" I asked him.

"Because I want to help you. I've sorta," Stiles said rubbing the back of his head. "I've got good grades."

I laughed. First time I've laughed in awhile. I pulled my knees up to my chest and laid my head on my knee. We were sitting there for awhile until I heard s knock on the window. I looked and saw Theo.

I rolled down the window and he said, "I've heard something about your mom."

I looked at him and said, "Your kidding, right?"



I had Stiles drive me to the school. Of course we couldn't leave Theo in the woods so we brought him along. But my blood was boiling. I felt my face get hot. He pulled into the parking lot and jumped out. Theo and Stiles chased after me. I ran down every every hall looking for Corey. Once I found him I noticed Liam, Stiles, Isaac, Scott and Theo were following me.

I grabbbed Corey and shoved him up against the locker, "You know something about my mom?"

"No, no, no. I told someone I had dream about her." He was breathing hard but he was telling the truth.

"How do you know it my mom?" I pressed his shoulders in the locker harder.

"Because they told me."

"Who told you?"

"The guys in the mask."

I let go of Corey and he fell to the floor holding his shoulders.

"Are you sure it was a dream?"

"Yes." I turned away and looked at Scott. Scott, true alpha.

My dad was the alpha, even his eyes glowed three colors. Now there's no alpha in my pack. Then I got idea, it was risky but I still wanted to do it. I grabbed Corey and dragged him to the boys locker room. All the boys followed. I sat Corey up and looked back at Scott. My claws came out and I held them up. I felt Scott try to grab my arm but I was quicker than his reach. I stuck my nails in the back of his neck and my mind went blank.

All I saw was Corey getting dragged into a room. It was dark. Again, it seemed familiar. They threw him down on the ground, and he looked up. My family was in the corner chained up. I took deep breathe and my eyes opened. I pulled my claws out of Corey's neck. He fell over but I grabbed his head before it hit the bench.

His eyes shot open and he yelled, "What the hell?"

I looked at everyone and said, "We've got another chimera."

"And another alpha." Liam said.

"You guys are crazy!" Corey yelled standing up.

"Let me see your arm." I said.

I grabbed his left arm before he even lifted it. I pulled up his sleeve and looked at the side of he fore arm.

"Can you explain why you don't have a bruise, scratch or scar there?" I said.

"I don't know, I put stuff on it."

"No, your a chimera, like me."

I lifted my arm up and my claws came back out. I ripped the surface of my skin and it started to bleed. My healing didn't triggers so I stuck my nail deep in the cut and it triggered.

The cut started to heal and Lucas looked like he just saw a ghost.

"The same thing happened to you, where the same."

He shook his head in disbelief.

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