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Jack Gilinsky-

I know I should leave the topic alone with Brynn and be friends and all, but I thought something would come from us. I was really growing on fond of her.

Oh well, Just focus on your singing career. I thought as I turned off the light in the guest room and fell asleep.

Brynn Harris-

"I have a plan for tomorrow." Kian finally spoke up for the 30 minute silence underneath me.We were currently wrapped up under the covers in Kian's bed.

"Talk." I whispered looking up at Kian.

"You'll see." Kian chuckled. I could already picture him smirking, even though it was too dark to see.

"Whatever, loser." I pushed the random topic off, and fell asleep.

"Wake up, Brynn!" A man bent over me and Kian.

Kian didn't wake up, but the mysterious man grabbed me by the arm and dragged me off the bed.

"I swear I'm going to call the-" I tried to announce the words as confident as possible, before being cut off.

"Shut up. You remember me right?" The creepy guy finally walked by the window using the light of the moon to reveal his face.

"Dad?" I cried as he jumped on me.

I struggled to try to get this monster off of me before the man killed me. I didn't want to go back my past.

I started to hear my name being called by Kian.



"Brynn!" My eyes fluttered open to see Kian and the rest of my friends huddled over me in Kian's bed.

"Oh my gosh Brynn, you scared the hell out of me." Kian laughed as everyone else calmed themselves.
I finally realized I had another bad dream.

I looked out the window and saw the sun high in the sky. I guess I woke everyone up.

"What time is it?" I asked rubbing my eyes and jumping out of bed.

"6:17 am. Thanks Brynn." Corinne laughed, rolling her eyes obviously tired.

"Well I guess we can get ready earlier today." Jack Johnson raised his shoulders and giggled.

His laugh was so high pitched and hilarious.

We all flooded out to the living room area. Some sat at the island by the kitchen, while others sat on the couch to watch tv.

Me, Kian, Corinne, Jc, and Johnson sat on the couch watching 90's television. Kian leaned by my ear blowing hot air, making me shiver.

"You and I are going out today, and that's final." Kian whispered seductively into my ear.

"Where are we going?"

"You'll have to see. I was planning on this for a while." Kian smiled to himself.

For a while? Where could he be possibly be taking me?

Kian Lawley- (sorry for annoying Pov changes)

This was my chance.

After getting ready, Brynn and I headed out to Jc's car, since mine was in the shop since Brynn got here.I jumped up into my seat and started the ignition.

"You know you should really tell me where we're going." Brynn gave me a laugh.

"You'll just have to see." I smirked pulling out of the drive way.


To be continued

11/4/15- this chapter was honestly really short, and I apologize. Corinne must've felt lazy when she was writing this chapter. anyways, continue!

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