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Brynn Harris-

After the movie the only thing that was on my mind was getting to talk to Jc.

Once the credits started to slide down the screen, I slowly got up and pulled on Jc's arm. He took the hint to unravel him from Corinne and walk with me to the kitchen.

"What's up?" Jc's perky voice shot through my ears.

"Where's the guest room? After the fight, Jack offered to share a room with me." I spoke as if guilty to be even asking.

Jc gave me a look of confusion and despair. Why was Jc upset? He's probably just upset for Kian.

"Down the hall to the left." Jc gave me a small smile.

Everyone started to split off into their own rooms, and whispering sweet good nights. Jc and Corinne decided to have a sleep over on the living room couch.

Jack took my hand and led us to the bedroom. I was feeling upcoming anxiety for sharing a bed with Jack.

When we walked into the room, it looked as a basic hotel room with one single bed.

Jack Gilinsky-

I felt sad for Brynn and her fight with Kian. Even though I'm starting to get attached to Brynn, I still felt the need to be a condoling friend. As we started stepping towards the bed, a nervous look appeared on Brynn's face.

"Are you ok?" I rubbed her arms calming her down.

"Yeah. But I just remembered that all my clothes are in Kian's room." She looked broken about this whole Kian thing.

Before I can even speak up, Brynn looked up with a tear slipping down her face.

"I'm just gonna go in there get my stuff, and get out. I'll be confident." Brynn raised her head up with sudden confidence.

Before I could even make any remarks on that decision, she fled the room and closed the door.

Brynn Harris- (sorry for annoying Pov changes)

I walked out of the door, every step shaky and forced. I walked down the corridor and past Jc and Corinne laying down watching tv. Then, with a big heavy breath I turned the knob into Kian's room.

When I pushed open the door, Kian instantly shot up onto the floor. I shut the door while we just stood there in awkward tension.

"Are you here to talk?" Kian finally broke the silence. My shaky voice tried to speak as audible as possible.

"I'm just here to get my stuff."

Kian instantly looked devastated.I don't know what came over me, but I felt the need for this talk.

"But, I'm willing to talk." I stood, surprising my own self. Kian's eyes looked up with hope. He seemed nervous himself of where to start.

"Come and sit." Kian plopped on the bed gesturing me to copy. I involuntarily moved my legs to bring myself to the end of his bed.

"You know Brynn, when I said I wanted you to move on, I really wanted you to myself. I'm a crazy jealous guy who's very protective and I guess I got carried away. I don't blame you for being mad at me, I would be too. I've learned that I don't want to see other people, I only want you." Kian's head bowed in shame.

I couldn't help but feel my passion for Kian to slowly creep up on me once again. I was speechless. Without a warning, Kian turned my face and brought his lips to mine.

It was a very intense and needed kiss. I instinctively brought my hands around his neck and and grabbed my waist.

I don't care anymore, fuck it. I need Kian right now. I couldn't help but to feel guilty for Jack, but Kian saved me from my sad life and made me apart of this family. Being without Kian was not acceptable.

After a few seconds into the kiss, Kian licked my lips asking for access, which was granted. He started to bite my lip occasionally and I was falling for it.

Thoughts about what I would say to Jack swarmed through my head, but i
pushed those thoughts away.

Kian pushed my back onto the bed as he climb on top of me. He grabbed under my thighs pulling me fully onto the bed.

He made me crave for more, but I know I needed to stop. I lightly pulled away from Kian, trying to reinforce the serious conversation.

"Kian I fully accept your apology, but what do I tell Jack?" I searched his eyes looking for help. We both sat up and thought this out.

"Maybe I could talk to him." Kian replied more as a question.

"That'd be fine, but I just feel so bad. He probably thought I just used him." I felt complete utter embarrassment.

"Don't worry." Kian took my hand and kissed my cheek. Kian gave me a signal that we were both to go down to the room and announce the news.

We walked on the cold hardwood floor past the living room and down the long hallway until we reached the room.

"Do you think maybe I could talk to him first before you come in?" I anxiously asked Kian.

"Yeah." He whispered giving me a thumbs up. I lightly opened the door to see Jack already lying in bed.

I creeped on slowly, trying not to disturb his silence. He didn't notice me until I stepped on a squeaky floorboard.

"Hey, how'd it go?" Jack sat up facing towards me.

"I have to tell you something, and you might be upset. We finally made that talk." I slowly tried to push into the conversation.

Just rip off the bandaid.

"And?" Jack inched closer.

"We made up. I decided I should go back to Kian after all. He explained everything and he did rescue me, and I just have to be with him because nothing would feel right." I rambled on searching for the right words.

"Oh." Jack looked down upset.

"I'm so sorry. We can still be friends and everything right?" My heart would break if my idol didn't approve of me.

"Of course, but I just feel so weird." Jacks head shook. I went to sit on the end of the bed to comfort him.

"It breaks my heart to have to do this, but if anything bad were to happen between us I wouldn't be able to live with myself. What in trying to say Jack is you were my idol for about 2 years and I'm not ready to change such a friendship." I attempted to cheer the sad teenage boy.

"Anything for a fan." I saw Jack finally smile and look up. He still looked defeated, but he was satisfied.

"I'm gonna sleep in a different room, but goodnight." My arms wrapped around him pulling him into a warm hug. I think Jack realized that maybe we weren't meant to date either.

I left the room before Kian made an entrance and I told him that he wasn't needed.

That night everything felt restored, and I was finally able to return to my bed with Kian to sleep.

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Crave ≫ kianlawleyOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora