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Brynn Harris-

We finally reach the front doors of this old, memory filled building. I still had Jack's hand in mine, and we walked to Jc's jeep.

Once we had reached it, we both hopped in, and sat in silence. This time it wasn't a peaceful silence; but an awkward one.

What had just happened kept playing in my mind, on repeat. How could he yell at me like that? He said he wanted to "see other people."

"That was a little harsh." Jack spoke up. He kept his glare at the windshield in front of us, and took a deep breath.

"Me or Kian?" I spoke softly, scared of what his answer could possibly be.

"Kian, he was a bit harsh towards you. I mean, if he said that he wanted to see other people, than by all means do that. But once you've moved on from him, he can't yell at you after saying that," he took a breath, "It's his fault that he said that to you when he didn't mean it. Along with that, it's also his fault that he came at an inappropriate time."

"Jack, thank you for being here for me. Without you, I don't think I would of been able to handle Kian." I look at him and give him a small smile.

"It's fine, I like being here with you." He smiled, and started the jeep.

"Where am I supposed to go? I told him I wouldn't go back to his place." I started to worry, but then Jack put his hand on my thigh, and it calmed me a little bit.

"Well we both have to go back anyways, we are in Jc's jeep. How about for tonight, you can sleep with me in the guest bedroom?" He suggested.

"I'd like that." I said, and gave a small smile.

Jack started to drive back to the house, and light music played in the background. It was once again peaceful, until we pulled up in the driveway.

We slowly made our way to the front door, and I paused before going in.

"What's wrong?" Jack noticed my uneasiness, and placed his arm around my shoulder.

"I'm just kind of nervous going in there. Like I don't want anyone to stare at me for running out the way I did." I spoke softly, but loud enough for him to hear me.

"You'll be fine, Brynn. Don't worry about them looking at you," he paused, "because I've been looking at you all night."

I smile at his cuteness, and give him a tight hug. He returns it also, and it felt very comforting.

"Ready to go in now?" Jack said as he pulled away from the hug and grabbed my hand. I nodded in response, and opened the door.

Walking into the house, I instantly heard the loud television blasting loudly, along with gasps. I peep my head into the room where the movie was being watched, and everyone was crowded around the couch, all cuddled up.

I laughed slightly, then turned around with Jack's hand still placed in mine. I look into his eyes, and smiled once again.

"Do you know where the guest bedroom is?" I asked. I honestly have not gotten used to where everything is located in this house, and I wish I had known.

He shook his head in response, and at this moment I knew that I would have to steal Jc away from the movie for him to show us the room. 

I decided to wait a little while until the movie had ended before getting ahold of Jc to find us the guest bedroom is.

I pulled Jack into the kitchen, asking if he would like a drink. He took a seat at the counter, and put his face in his hands. He quickly replies with, "A glass of water would be fine."

I nodded, and grabbed a glass and started filling it with water that was located in the fridge. I handed him the glass, and he answered with, "Thank you beautiful."

I smiled at his answer, and looked down to my feet. You could say that I was a bit embarrassed, even if that. I was more shy than anything.

Of course I had told him less than an hour ago about everything that possibly went wrong in my life, and here I was, being awkward for calling me beautiful.

"You don't have to be shy about everything, Brynn." Jack shot a comforting laugh, trying to make me feel better.

"I know, but I can't help it," I look up at him, scared to see if he was looking up at me. Unfortunately, he was doing just as so, and I could feel my face redden.

"Aw, babe, don't be shy." Jack replies, and gets up from the seat at the counter. He swiftly wraps his arms around my waist from behind, and pulls me to him.

Of course I liked Jack, but I couldn't help but think about Kian. He saved me from everything that went on in my past, and I don't think I could ever fully move on from him. However, Jack is a great guy, and I couldn't turn him down without giving him a chance.

He was my idol, standing before me, and all I was thinking about was Kian. I decided to push the thought of Kian to the back of my mind, and hopefully it will stay there.

I felt another presence in the room besides Jack and I, and I was scared to think of who it could possibly be. I look over, to see Kian standing in the doorway of the kitchen.

"Brynn, can we talk?"


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