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Brynn Harris-

"Brynn, can we talk?"

I look over at Jack, then back at Kian. "I don't think it would be the best thing for us to be talking right now," I say calmly, even though my anger is flowing through my mind.

"I really need to talk to you, alone." He spoke quietly, with his eyes looking directly into mine.

"Kian, I don't want to talk to you at the moment. It would result into things that I really would not like to say, and I don't really have the energy to talk to you right now." I let out a breath of air, being frustrated. He needs to understand that I'm not wanting to talk to him.

"Plewase Brynn, I need this." He begs. While all of this is going on, Jack is just standing next to me, not saying a word. This is probably a very awkward situation for him, and I wouldn't blame him if he left.

"Kian, I don't want to talk to you." I say, and move closer to Jack.

In protective mode, Jack wraps one of his arms around my waist. Just as Kian was about to speak up once again, Jack beats him to it.

"Kian, take the hint. Just give her some space, and she'll talk to you when she is ready." Kian's face dropped at Jacks words, but he backed off.

He walked out of the kitchen with an angry look placed on his face. I look at Jack, and it just results into him giving me a hug. His chin was on top of my head, while my face was to his chest. He was wearing cologne, and it smelt amazing.

"I can never thank you enough for what you do for me." I said softly, my words barley audible.

"Stop thanking me, I want to help you get through this."

"Alright," was all I could say.

We finally released each other from the very long, but needed hug. I grabbed his hand once again, and led him back to the living room where the movie had just ended.


very very very short chapter, I know.
but I'm posting one right after that's longer

11/4/15- Again, so so so sorry for this extremely short chapter!

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