Only You: Chapter 29

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The way he smells so good still lingers to my nose. And his eyes, the way the light reflects on his eyes, it's so beautiful. I find myself lost in my imagination as I try to figure things out. After a few minutes I snap out of it, but my heart didn't stop beating nor slowed down its phase.

"He's just your friend Hee Yeon. You shouldn't feel this way," I murmur.

I pull myself up the hand rail and try walking through the floor to calm myself a bit. I try to convince myself that it was nothing. That the whole thing I'm feeling right now is nothing. And that it is not possible to feel like this with a friend.

As I am walking through the corridor, I saw a room which looks like it was abandoned. Why would a room be abandoned here, I thought. I reached for the doorknob and try to open it. Luckily, it's not locked. I walked inside, curious of what I'll find.

The inside looks like it hasn't been used in years but not totally abandoned. I entered without turning on the lights because I don't want to attract any attention. I then saw this grand piano lying around the corner. My memory flashes back on my mind as I am reminded of how I use to play such instrument. How I missed playing, I thought.

I walk towards it immediately, place my bag on the chair and open the cover. I touch the keys with my fingertips and I was reminded again of how I once played a piece. It feels smooth and cold, like it needs to be played by someone.

I closed my eyes and inhaled deeply as I start playing 'Yiruma's River Flows In You' and instantly got lost by it.

In the midst of finishing the song, someone's voice suddenly echoed across the room. I was startled that I accidentally dropped my bag on the floor with my things scattered all over the place. I turned to look who it was and I never thought it would be him.

Seokjin's POV

I scan the whole building floor by floor to look for Hee Yeon. Hoseok said that she maybe at the top floor but she wasn't. As I reached the third floor, I heard a melody coming from the old practice hall.

It's a melody that I haven't heard for years. A melody that I'm familiar with.

As I stand by the door, I was relieved that I finally found her. I listened to her as she gracefully played the piece and wait for her to finish.

"Wow.. You still got it," I utter as I cannot wait anymore.

She jumped from her sit and dropped her bag on the floor. I totally forgot how jumpy she could be because of all those horror movies that she used to watch. I walk towards her to help her pick up the things that fell off from her bag. When we're already finished picking up her stuffs, she immediately stood up.

"What are you doing here?" she utters in a calm manner as she avoids eye contact.

"I was looking for you. Can we talk? I really want to talk to you," I utter with a hopeful tone but she just remained silent. "I know you're mad and you probably hate me. I know I'm the last person you want to see right now but please hear me out. I just want to say a few things and then you can go."

I was so glad when she agreed to talk to me. I can't help to smile because my facial muscles are twitching from excitement.

But I need to be serious right now because I don't want her to think that I'm not taking her seriously. So, I kept a straight face.

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