Only You: Chapter 3

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[Korean Translations]
Ne (네): Yes
Ani (아니): No
Omo (어머): Oh my
Jinja (진짜): Really
Annyeong (안녕): Hello/Goodbye
Ottoke (어떡해): What should I do?
Gwenchana (괜찮아): Are you okay?
Mianhe (미안해): I'm sorry
Yeppeoda (여쁘다): Pretty
Hyung (형): Older brother for males /Friend
Oppa (오빠): Older brother for females/Boyfriend

[Korean Translations]Ne (네): YesAni (아니): NoOmo (어머): Oh myJinja (진짜): ReallyAnnyeong (안녕): Hello/GoodbyeOttoke (어떡해): What should I do?Gwenchana (괜찮아): Are you okay?Mianhe (미안해): I'm sorryYeppeoda (여쁘다): PrettyHyung (형): Older brother for males /...

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Chapter 3: Bonding Ties

Jimin's POV

A few days has passed and still I can't take my mind off of her. The moment I have been waiting for came at last. It is already Sunday afternoon. I walk pass the busy street to get to where we're suppose to meet.

I inhale deeply before I turn the knob and enter the coffee place. As I enter, I immediately saw her. She is wearing this cute floral dress topped with a pink coat, her hair is curled up in a bun on top of her head and I can see that she's wearing a little bit of make up.

Wow, she's even prettier when she is dressed up like that, I thought. I feel my heartbeat racing as I walk towards her. I never imagined her looking like that. It perfectly suits her.

When she noticed that I've already arrived she took her eyes off of the book that she was reading, lifts up her head and looks up to me.

"Annyeong Jimin-oppa," she says, smiling sweetly waving at me. Her smile really is the sweetest smile I've ever seen.

I paused for a moment as I hear her say that. Oppa? Did she just called me oppa? Confused, I turn to look around if she's referring to anyone else. As soon as I realized that there's no one else around I turn and look back at her and point to myself. She nods that she was really referring to me. My heart beats faster than a minute ago. Hearing her call me that made me feel weird but in a good way.

"What's wrong Jimin oppa?" she asks sweetly.

"O-oh? Nothing," I replied.

I attempt to not smile but I can't help it especially when she called me oppa. She taps the space beside her gesturing me to sit there. She's totally different from what I remember. She's out of spunk just full of sweetness and cuteness. I like it.

I continue to walk towards her and take the sit beside her. I've never sat close to her like this last time. It's making me nervous, so nervous that I have no idea what to do. I don't even know what to say. I can feel that she's staring at me, hand on her head with her elbow placed on top of the table. I don't want to be one but this is making me feel awkward.

I then start to feel a little hot. I can feel the tension building up in my body. Really? For God's sake it is winter Jimin.

ONLY YOU of BTSOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora