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I finally got home- to peace and quite, don't get me wrong I love christopher banging my brains out, heck saying it out loud  makes me want more. when my mind drifts to the past two days with him I get these little tremors of anticipation and want, a mini-climax if you will- just by thinking about it.

As opposed to Mathew's Five second love making, I never knew I could respond like that. I never knew  that it was two sided, all I did was give,give,give- even in my horrible train of thought I can't seem to help but miss the ass, his light jokes, his cooking, the little chocolate sweets he'd leave on my pillow. I know I seem sappy and idiotic alway talking about the horrible jerk and still wanting him when I should only think about Chris and how good, sexy, caring he is: But Chris is fun its written on his face Damn its all over everywhere i turn I'm reminded how  I shouldn't even think about a future with him heck he's probably going to fire me monday after I willingly gave it to him. Goodness gracious on a  jet-ski how did my life become a telenovela and I had to make it worse by telling Sam I finally_no not finally just plainly screwed Chris.

"Oh honey he was loosening your cacoon he was holding back." Sam responded.

It sure didn't feel like it.

"He has way more to give just wait and see now that he has confirmed your not a shrewd but a good fuck by the sound of it, he will ride you to timbuktu."

I felt nervous but all to excited of what was going to come this feeling is great but dread was around the coner, I have no idea why i'm still standing -my head should have popped so fast like the ass of a teenager girl twerking with all these mixed emotions.


I get to work giddy on Monday and just as I take my seat at 7:30am Biatch McBitchy walks up to me.

"So Jane I was thinking i'd help you out alittle seeing as I was promoted last week to head HR when you were in jail."

Wait what how did she know..

"they finally found out your a whore.Mhh? You finally can't fool christopher with your sexual advancement you gold digging tramp ; he will see a real beautiful intellectual woman who wants him for his grace and humility..."

I couldn't take it not today, my stomach kept churning I felt nauseated* wait. This isn't a bun in the over situation is it? because he totally used a condom -it could have ripped" but its not possible to conceive in a few day is it? What! Am i suddenly boobs for brain here sure you can.

"What are you doing?" She asks confused.

"Oh this, i'm just trying to puke you see I have a gaging reflex for when any one tries to feed me bull shit." What can I say I had a comeback i wasnt just going to sit on it + its the truth.

"He doesnt want you I sugget you get your head from your ass." Well that wasn't original.

"It was there I admit for like a day, but you-you shoved it so far up its been stuck there since your born." I think i was on a roll judging from her red hot face and eyes twitching with anger.

"Jane you can act all high and mighty  but we all including you know it is a cheap thrill for him, you think he's gonna drive into the sunset with you your like the rest; a need that gets quickly replaced by a woman who will point her ass at him, his the boss you are going to get fired for inappropriate behavior in the position i am it would take weeks heck months for you to get a recommendation even then it would say...she arrived sat on her desk and fucked the boss were still tryin to clean the stain."

"Bot sunset. sunrise." I said \ I shouldn't have because it showed my weakness her comment hit home what was i thinking (we will get married have kids and happy ever after i don't even want kids i was a thrill and now that she has seen what will and has  secretly been hurting me she will use it. All i can do is let her or end it by calling off with Chris atleast that will save alot of my problems and save me a heart ache.

"This arrived for you." she placed a white envelope on my desk befor disappearing with an evil smile.

a gift card for a free massage that afternoon and the day off from Chris, an hour ago i would have glady run there but this is the present i didnt go to spa but i did take the rest of the day off.

A massage from christopher blared my phone "where are you"

I was home re-reading eat pray love.

"Ive been waiting for you is there anything wrong?" Come another message.

Nothing wrong but plenty of things right i finally awoke form an exciting dream i wasn't going to continue this.

"Lets end this before its to late for any of us." I replied

No reply... my phone rang a few minutes later.




I hope  your  all enjoying the story

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