Sue the police?

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"Hello officer, I..." I tried to mumble an explanation after rolling down my window but the middle aged man with a crown laying at the tip of his golden hair stopped me, placing a hand on his gun he took a step back fron the white smoke escaping through my window ready to assault the open air.

"Is that marijuana?" He asks, I really don't want to answer, "ma'am i'll ask you again is that marijuana?"

"Yes officer."

"Snitch," Sam whispered next to me, "you wouln't last a day in the streets."

"What did she just say? Do you have any weapons in car!" It came out as a shout more than a more than a question, " remove your sit belt step out of the vehicle, both of you." We did as instructed.

Outside my car I noticed another police man dark, bulge and with green eyes, he grabbed Sam's hand placing them roughly behind her and wrapped handcuffs securely around them, as the other did the same to me and I bit down my lip not to scream in pain. Can I sue the police for hurting me while handcuffing me for stuff I may probably be guilty of?

"We heard your loud music and decided to let it go, we heard one of you yell "fuck the police" that drew our attention and then we saw smoke coming out the window, and now we've found five marijuana cigarettes in the glove compartment."
I am going to kill my best friend, after I get out of these things and she stops gridding on the officer searching her, lingering way to much on her body.

Of course in a matter of minutes we were at the police station getting our pictures taken, Samantha Drengo is under the influence of marijuana while I was asked to take a drug test.

We were then thrown in to a comfortable, urine drenched, vomit filled cell. I almost broke down, I didn't know who to call my parents live two states away, Sam's boyfriend isn't in the country, my best friend is locked up with me to high to notice she's laying down on a pig sty. Tears, should I cry? Is it all worth it? What the fuck was I going to do?

Especially about the three other women in this sell who seemed like russian gang members ready to gut us.

What would christopher do, to be honest I should use my one Phone call on him he  seems like he would be my Zoro, but a very proud, arrogant, ego filled, commanding, demanding...

"I am Maya." A red head the brawny of the three spoke in a thick russian accent extending her hand to me, " I make friends with alcohol drenched girl and maybe we can keep each other company in the big house." The two nodded while I shook in fear what does she mean by company? do I shake her hand or not? why is sam...

"Jane and Samantha your free to go!" A female officer shouted while opening the cell doors.

Thank God.

It's a miracle, I grabbed sam and followed the officer to the lobby where I saw Christopher signing papers in reception, his features clam: to calm, a long black coat hanging over his arm, a well tailored navy blue suit stretching over his features sending me in a state of euphoria. I swallowed a hard lump that formed in my throat and dragged my sight  from his torso to face.

His looking straight into my eyes and I can see his anything but calm, he takes long power-filled strides towards the exit and I follow dragging a drunk, hazy Sam.

Outside I find him talking to his driver -John, John on seeing us heads to me grabs Sam places her in the back seat of a rolls royce and drives off, I should have protested but my mind, heart, eyes where stuck heavy on the man before me as a taxi came to a halt beside him and he opened the back door waiting- I hopped in and soon after he followed, the ride was deadly silent, I didn't dare utter a word even when I noticed us heading the opposite direction to where my humble house laid.

We stopped moments after infront of a massive golden gate that ushered us in allowing the taxi to follow up a drive way to the biggest most elegant house I've ever seen: correct that to a mansion.

The taxi left us standing before two dark brown, mahogany doors, He fumbled with the keys before the doors fell open, he takes a step in but I stop him grabbing his hand he was forced to stand still like a statute. I almost had a heart attack yet I found my voice and spoke, "tha..thank you, how did you know."


Hello, so I updated early.

,  .
        I  -. ;)

.:what kind of music do you enjoy?

And since that question was crappy why don't you ask me anything I promise to answer all.
@stormcutter15 - great "how to train a dragon?" Profile pic.

Tell me yours ill tell you mine?

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