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.............Jane Jordi.........

I make a call though I wish I was personally near the black queen herself so I could strungle he -im not kidding; seriously she's royalty ( well unless she lied...)

"So you've sobered up?"

"No, my head hurts and my tummy I shouldn't have mixed up so many things."


"Arrg! My ear...what the fuck is your problem."

She's joking right-a charles chaplin kind of thing.

"We were in jail, I almost screwed a stranger Sam." I'm not a one night stand type of gal'

"Did I do that? I am sorry I truly am and greatfull to mister tall dark and shinning armor please tell him that."

"I can't his flipping mad because I landed in jail and almost had sex with a someone."

"Jeez luis Repeatin' it won't make the situation disappear calm down and go screw him, your in his house right?"

She is definately not helping, what am I thinking of course she isn't helping she's the one who did all of this. She should crawl here begging me for forgiveness and kneel before christopher thanking him. I hang up and make my way to the kitchen "I was starving" would be an  understatement.

After I ate some left over rice and stew I found laying around in the fridge I went to the room mentioned to me earlier ' more like yelled to, I contemplated  looking for Chris for some weird reason I wanted to see him I wanted to reasure him it wasn't me I wasn't usually a raving jaundice bait ecstasy taking lunatic he thinks I am.

Its not right the way I feel about the man sleeping peacefully in next room while I toss and turn for what seems like days, it's  definatly not right.

The way I crave his touch, the last time I was in his office burning in my mind, the fact that a plain white T-shirt reaching mid-thigh was placed on the bed I now roll in. It's just not right how the drug is still running in my system and i'm laying in a foreign bed,house,room thinking of christophers' touch.

What isn't right is your best friend giving you ecstasy-drugging you.

But how do i make it right how do i tell chris it wasn't the pill i wanted to kiss him ive wanted to kiss him for  so long, i guess  i don't i'll just have to live wirh the look of hurt i just saw ill have to feel this regret this pain for  the remaining  hours of darkness and probably forever.

Morning, I could hear the birds chirping, I could see sharp rays of light piercing through the bright  curtain I stayed there frozen for an hour or so before heading down.

He was in one of the chairs seated around the medium kitchen island sipping on what I scented as coffee, I stepped on the other side of the island and starred at him.

"You look divine in my T-shirt." He says peering from a book he was reading .

"You like to read?" I ask nervous he was still mad.

"Yes and I know you do to, there's coffee behind you."

"Listen this situation we're in isn't exactly working out it shouldn't happen." I now have his full attention scowling at me.

"If its about last night I'm sorry I was angry I wasn't thinking straight..." He plea's.

"It's everything and I think we should not work together anymore -Just suck me." His damper mood peeked his eyes turning carnal, darker. What just happened?

"Gladly." Oh! I almost begged him to do it from the look he was giving me. Get it together remember you only have one underwear with you. To late.

"NO! I ment ment me."

"I can feel the heat as well." He's moving closer and I find myself moving back but hit a counter within a few stride i'm confined in his arms.

"You know what I ment." I whimper.

"Yes! Its just that only two of the things you said sound more fun, way more appealing." His breath fans my cheek his hand gliding down my arm his lips tracing my jaw. "I can't fire you baby I need you both ways what would I even write as my cause."

"Inappropriate behavior there is no need to specify."

"I can't- your skin is so soft."

"Damn it! Je vous maudissent pour me faire sentir cette façon."
For making me feel this way.

"Don't curse but that was so damn sexual so euphoric, I like it when you speak french."

"I quit."

Thank you all for reading, vote it takes a second. Literally.

I am for sam, she was trying to losen jane up + they finally kissed, he doesnt want to let go          .



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