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...........christopher hegdging......

I'm shaking. jane is seated in my foyer on a brown leather couch staring at me while i'm standing across from her tapping my leg to damn furious to know which one, the events of the last three hours playin in my head...

(...3 hours ago........)

..."Excuse me sir you have a call." John my trusted employee- whose grown into a friend tells me.

"Tell whom ever it is i'll call them back."

"Sir it's urgent..."

"I said i'll call them back." I snap at him, I was preoccupied running the "meeting," I had with jane over and over in my head but he just takes a deeps breath and continues- reminding me why his closely stationed.

"It's the police something about a Jane Jordi, sir."

'What the fuck!' Is the thing running in my mind now. 'Please be ok, please be fucking ok.'

I picked up the phone my hand shaking as the officer on the other end of the line explained the situation.

Jane and her friend Samantha were caught speeding and smoking marijuana while driving ,

"fuck! Were they involved in an accident?"

"No they were arrested and are currently in a cell."

I didn't wait for the proper goodbyes I just made my way to the car, John drove me to the precinct. I had to get her- them out- An easy task for a man with influence. Damn that woman I didn't have time to think futher on why i'm so furious and scared at tge same time i just wanted to see her safe in my arms....

which brings us to the current situation of me staring at her while she diverts her eyes.

"You could have hurt yourself, I was crazy with worry what were you thinking." I sounded like a nagging mother but I didn't give A.

"I wa..."

"No!" I stop her before she forms a sentence I did not want an excuse I needed her to be honest and that ment one word answers no diversions. " you listen and answer my questions with a yes or a no, got it Mrs. Jordi?" I needed to know why she'd fucking drive high, entoxicated risking her safety, I needed to gaze into this womans deep brown eyes-I needed her. "And look at me." She should never avert her gaze.

...........jane Jordi.......

I looked up at the man who just got me out of jail, paid a buck load for our release.
How do I pay him back?

His stance is more authoritative and I know a storm is brewing in his mind.

"Did you smoke?" He starts.


"Did you drink and fucking drive that fast."

"Yes. Bu...." i wasn't drunk, I tried to bring a point across but he stopped me.

"SHUT IT! I said yes or no, your not a child follow simple rules."

He always has to be an ass, doesn't he?

"Did you go out, is that why your wearing that extremely short, revealing dress."


He mumbled something under his breath I think it was a praise, a "sexy" but I couldn't linger on the thought I was being interrogated in my bosses house, funny I wasn't given this treatment in the precinct.

"Did you meet a guy?"

Oh hell! I strained for a moment and saw the look in his eyes, he knows the answer but his waiting if I thought he was furious before I was underestimating.


"So you were driving fast under the influence of alcohol, to a guy you just met in a club wearing that." He takes a long pause, calculating something before continuing, "you risk your life, your friends life, a permanently stained record- if I hadn't intervened, to go fuck some guy you don't even know? Do you know the guys name, ha?"

I didn't, I would have been mad if he hadn't mentioned the intervening on my and not to mention Sam's record.

As a matter of fact I found it extremely sexy, he got us out when I thought of nothing to do he got us out. I stood and stalked toward him, his eyes flickering for a moment with want before turning cold again-I find his commanding tone seductive, my mind throbs with the thought of whether or not he will be as such in bed.

I stand before him gazing into his eyes and whisper, "you got us out." Before crashing my mouth to his. He responds and deepens the kiss his tongue breaking the barrier of my lip sneaking, tugging at mine. Feels so good. My need for him is overwhelming i'm already creamy from the kiss and so I dare, I dare to touch his erection through his pants and he gasps, breaking the kiss I see his eyes swimming in lust.

I rub my hand over his groin, his responding getting harder bigger within the confines of his pant-suit and just as it started-abruptly, it ended, he pushes me off him.

"What?" Is the only word I can seem to find.

" you know I actually thought you were better that hoeing yourself out," excuse me! "You meet a guy in the club, take ecstasy and hurry to fuck his brains out but you get caught and i'm the next best fuck to relieve the drug Right?"

Ecstasy? "The pill Sam gave me, I am going to kill her. He must have seen my drug report.

I look up to see him walking away and shout, "Wait just a fucking minute."

..........christopher hegdging......

She really shouldn't curse it's not fitting for such a Damn beautiful woman- but I stop anyways, she has hurt my pride wounded me how could she do that, want to fuck me just to relive a high.

"I didn't take it on purpose and not for that man, it was sam I didn't even know until a minute ago and the fact you would even suggest that i'm a hoe..." she says.

I don't know what to do so I turn and stare at her, she's taken back her anger dropping i'm sure from seeing the hurt reflected in my eyes. I don't care if she took it or not, my mind just keeps running to the million possibilities of what her and that guy got into, what made her drive that fast to him while she keeps running away from me.

"Upstairs, Third room down the hall, kitchen is to your left." I call out before making my way to what will be a long night with my old friend -whiskey.


Like i said awesome people,  not much has chaged but hopefully these new updates will bing us drama and conflict ....thanks for reading  ..

Question : do you like a hot commanding man, an easy going guy or someone who asks to do everything....(a guy who'll kiss you when he wants to or a guy who will ask to kiss you.

I preffer to be pushed against  him and have him lead the way.      
(Ecstasy might get you there but what if it doesn't anymore  #relyonyouownpleasure )

Thats a long hashtag but you get my point.

Euphoria (adult)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon