Another chance

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Chapter 18-Another chance

They had strapped her down tight. So tight the blood flow had stopped and her hands and feet grew numb and prickly. They had drugged her again, but to an extent that she could still see and comprehend what was going on.

"The machine is ready." Aden looks down at her, a smug and condescending look in his eyes. Lex stood with Mercy by his side watching with curious intent. Next to her laid Peter, once known as Max, strapped down like she was. He had stopped struggling long ago. It was obvious that he'd given up. After years of fighting to live he had grown tired of the game. Sara felt Aden put something over her head, a metal hat like thing with wires. It made a frightening click as it was put in place. Then Aden proceeded to his computers clicking away at the keys. Sara's headpiece clamps down on her head. She could feel the metal digging into her scalp. Then a sudden whirring sound fills her ears.

She panics, but the headpiece holds fast.

"Did you know, Sara, that there's a part of your brain that can control your every thought and action? It's like a programed computer so you know what kind of person you are and what decisions to make. And it's here, in the back of your head." Aden walks around to meet face to face with Sara. His piercing blue eyes stared into her own eyes, as if he knew what she was thinking. "You will become mine once again Sara. Just like when we were children." Returning to his computers he clicks a single button and the operation began.


Too weak.

He wanted to scream. He wanted to save her.

But every ounce of energy left was not enough to even lift a finger. He was angry. He was scared. He was weak.

He watched as Aden began his experiment. Sara panicking, squirming, then screaming. Her cries rang like a siren, echoing with ferocity in the small confining room.

It was pointless. Every part of him ached, numbed, then ached again. His blood felt heavy and thick coursing through him like lava burning at every vessel. His heart hurt the worst, whether it was drug induced or the fact that he had remembered her, who she was to him.

Sara, Sara. He pulls at the brace on his wrist, twisting and struggling till his wrists bled.


BOOM! A sudden explosion sending Lex, Mercy, and Aden falling to the ground. The twins duck behind several other tables on the other side of the room. Sara didn't move. Her head fell from side to side as blood dripped from her neck.  Her eyes rolling to the back of her head.


For a moment he saw her smile. That childish grin with her pudgy and rosy cheeks as she held tightly on her overstuffed bear. Her short brown hair tied in little pigtails bouncing as she ran towards him. He cries. When they were friends in their silent moments understanding each other as if they've known each other forever and in different lives. As if they were destined to meet.

Batman was here. His shadow was like a dark mass flashing by attacking Aden, Lex, Mercy...whoever came at him or whoever he saw. The twins were taking away Sara, dragging her limp body to an exit on the far wall away from Batman, her head hanging back with empty eyes. His anger boiled. His blood flowed. The image of her little face was imprinted in his mind smiling at him like a constant reminder of his failiure to protect her all those year ago. Before he knew it every piece of cement or rock that was there within a ten meter radius began to levitate. He pushed himself up with all he had ignoring the strain on his tense achy muscles.

"Let...her...go." Peter (Max) manages. He was on his two feet now hunched over and breathing hard. The twins look at each other, then grinned. The boy hands Sara over to the girl. Then manipulated the environment around his hands while the girl proceeded to drag Sara out the trap door. Peter barely had any strength to lift his arms he simply stood crookedly leaning on a counter as he tries to straighten himself. "I remember're Sam."

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