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Chapter 14-Submission

Batman hadn't expected this. His investigation had gotten him no where, another dead end to an investigation where answers seemed plentiful, yet scarce. It was already five fifteen in the morning and he needed time. A plan for Lex Luthor's arrival, the most sadistic and egotistical man to ever live on earth, who's greatest joy was torturing the one man on earth who would stand up against him. Superman. But for now there was nothing to his name in Gotham except billions of dollars.

Meanwhile back at the mansion Alfred had been woken by the sound of the door bell ringing through the mansion like a blaring alarm in the dark silence of the mansion. He pulls his rope over his shoulders and quickly descends the large stairwell towards the door where the late night visitor rang the bell again.

"Yes, yes, I'm coming!" He yells in response then muttered under his breath something foul. He opens the door to find it pouring and a man in a trench over coat soaked to the bone standing before him shivering. "My dear sir!" Alfred gasps, "What are you doing out in the rain?! Please come in!" He urges the stranger inside and reaches out to take his coat off, the the late night visitor shrugs Alfred's hands away.

"Thank you for your kindness, but I actually have a favor to ask."


Sara could feel it in her bones. The agony was almost unbearable. Any movement set off an explosion of pain randomly throughout her body. She felt too weak to cry out for help, or even in pain. Every heave of her chest and every beat of her heart hurt more and more. For a moment she forgot how to breath and when she gasped for air she could hear her rib crack. Its sound was like an echo in Batman's cave, loud and sudden. She lets out an agonizing squeak, her body strains and shudders. No air could get through as she began to choke. It felt like a rock passing through her throat, slowly and painfully making blood rush to her face. It hurts! It hurts! Someone please help me! She pleads silently hoping someone will find her.

All of a sudden a large figure appears in the corner of her eyes. It moved quickly grabbing something from the nightstand beside her. She hears a slight pop. Then a face hovers over hers. His feature blurred together as she tried to dull her pain brought on by misery.

"Hold still," he whispers, "It's going to be okay." His soft voice filled her head as she felt a slight prick on her neck. Slowly her pain subsides becoming a numbing sensation in her body when another voice suddenly emerged. With the drug taking affect she could not make out his voice clearly, but a strange pang in the back of her mind recognized it's fluidity and grace, but soon her senses dulled and shut down with the rest of her.


"She needs medical attention."

"I know. I'll take care of it. Go home and wait for my next set of orders," demands Peter's commandant who stood in the shadows of the dawning sun.

Peter stands by her bedpost clenching his fists into a tight ball. "No," he says glaring at the man in the corner. "I can not leave her. I did this to her and I will take responsibility. As I always have."

"I see...fine, then you can stay here. It only makes my job all the easier." He smirks as he walks out the door leaving Peter a chilling feeling.

Peter falls back into a recliner set beside the window rubbing his throbbing temples. He watched as bright rays began to creep their way through the windows and poured over the pale milky skin of Sara, sleeping once again under the delusion of painlessness. How fool hearty he felt sitting there waiting for her to rise and greet him with a smile.

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