Chapter Fifty-Four- Escaping the Madness

Começar do início

No, no, can't do that, can't give in to what they want. Can't let them win.

I sighed, back to the wall, and slid into a fetal position. This was going to be a long kidnapping.


August fifteenth. Four days since I'd been captured. Thankfully, I hadn't seen anyone since Joker and Manta tortured me. This really wasn't making sense. That alone was driving me crazy. 

Mara's birthday was in two weeks, as was Rachel's and Garfield's. Hopefully, if I was lucky, I'd be freed by then. But heroes don't always get what they want.

I couldn't take it anymore. I had to get out. I had to stretch my legs outside this cramped room.

As I grabbed a large piece of wood that used to be the chair of a leg, alarms began to wail. But I hadn't done anything!

I pressed my ear to the door, and heard heavy footsteps of the Manta troopers, but they were running away from my cell! Now was my chance. I gripped the wood tighter and and hit it against the door. When I had made a big enough dent, I jammed it in the crack between the door and the doorframe. I threw my whole weight against it again and again.

I could hear the alarms wailing throughout the ship, but I repeated the movement faster and faster. I thought it would snap, but the wood held fast until the space I'd created was just big enough for me to squeeze through. 

Manta sure did a poor job of picking my guard. The one left was cowering up against the wall, his hands shaking on his gun.

"Give me the keys, and I won't hurt you." I warned. He was just about to pass out as he fumbled for something on his belt, and actually did faint as I tore off my collar and let electricity course through my body again. Man, that felt good.

Now, which way to get off of this thing?

To my right was a dead end and to my left was a hallway. I took the hallway.

I shocked the first squad of troopers I came across, but the second wave behind them had just enough time to fire. Most of them hit my wing before I knocked them out with some quick martial arts moves, a mix of Dinah's, Shayera's, and Bruce's.

I sighed, collapsing on the floor, not seeing the one last trooper standing behind me. I stood up and whirled around at the sound of a metal helmet hitting the wall, ready to shock whoever was there with a sonic boom.


My fist dropped to my side. I'd never been so excited to see him.

Ignoring the pain in my wings, I ran and jumped on Kaldur in a hug.

"I knew you'd come," I whispered, kissing him on the cheek.

He smiled at me, taking my hand and leading me down another hall, "Was there ever any doubt?"

I smiled back, never loving the sight of his mouth curved upwards than I did now. 

"Let's get going." He grasped my hand tighter. "There are still more of them between us and the hangar."

"Wait," I held back, "How do you know we're going in the right direction?"

He stopped, and the obvious hung in the air between us. Hello Emma.

"Because I have been here before."

Needless to say, I followed.

He was right. There were a ton more Manta Troopers. The adrenaline I'd started out with was beginning to wear out, and I think my ankle was full-on broken now.

Sparks Fly [Book Two in the "Fire And Lighting" Series]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora