Chapter 26

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I opened my eyes. I lay abed in a well appointed chamber filled with flowers. Gathered around me were Mercury, Queen Raella, Rubis—and Sapphrina!

"He's awake!" said Sapphrina. She bestowed a joyful kiss upon my grateful lips.

"Glad you could join us," said Merc. His beard and hair were still white as snow. "You've hovered somewhere betwixt life and death these three days."

"You don't know the half of it. Where am I?"

"At my embassy in Caratha," said Queen Raella.

"I dragged your carcass here and sent word to Raella. She brought Sapphrina and Rubis. We've been at your side ever since. Raella's healers say you were in a Paradise Coma, conferring with The Gods."

"How would they know that?"

"The usual signs. Slow steady pulse. Shallow breathing. Tendency to levitate."


"But the nimbus of divine light around your body was the clincher. Let's just say we're pretty sure it wasn't typhoid fever."

"I read it in your aura," said Raella. "Which, by the by, has reverted to Standard Auric, with no nonconforming content or tags. You are, at this moment, a hale and healthy hero."

"I'm glad to hear it."

"Now we can tie up a few loose ends before Raella and I return to Rae City," said Merc. "I presume you'll tarry in Caratha for a time." He glanced meaningfully at the twins.

I followed his gaze and traded smiles with Sapphrina as I squeezed her hand. "Yes. I believe I will. But what loose ends?"

"You must be wondering how the war in Raelna turned out?"

"It wasn't at the top of my list, but now that you mention it, yes, I am wondering."


"Once my forces took Halogen captive, the Orphalians accepted a truce and withdrew from my domains. Moreover, the Orphalian barons deposed Halogen in absentia and elected his cousin Stron Astatine as their new king."

"What of Halogen?"

"He is my prisoner. He will be held in the Bronze Tower until Orphalia chooses to ransom him back. Which could be a long while. Halogen has earned little love from his people."

"What of the war with Brythalia?"

Raella frowned. "Brythalia trampled upon longstanding custom by enlisting mercenaries in our Annual War. I have me no doubt some agent of the Society whispered in King Rubric's ear that this would be to his advantage. No matter. With Orphalia checked, the full might of my armies drove Brythalia out and moved the boundary stakes a full league in Raelna's favor. What further repercussions Rubric will suffer I have not yet decided."

"That is good news."

"Indeed. But I have better tidings still." The queen's smile lit the room like the breaking of a sudden dawn. "Mercury and I are to be wed at long last!"

"That is the best news of all!"

"Indeed," said Mercury, taking Raella's hand.

She explained. "Goddess Rae personally nullified the ancient canons obstructing our union. The nobles can no longer demand my abdication if I wed the man I love."

"No one deserves such a blessing more. I'm happy for you both!"

"You will be an honored guest at our wedding," said Queen Raella.

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