Chapter 5

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Mercury, unaffected by the tear gas, shook off the ropes binding his arms. My bonds fell away too, surely his doing.

Yezgar was also immune to the blinding vapors. With a roar, the half ogre sprang across the chamber and swung a massive fist at Natalia Slash. She sidestepped the blow and hurled her axe into the monster's chest, where it stuck. Undaunted, Yezgar swung again. This blow sent Natalia flying. She hit one of the stone walls, which cracked under the impact. Natalia crumpled to the floor.

I jumped aside as Yezgar charged again. One of Zaran's other minions was not so quick. Trampled by the man-ogre, he died with a bloody crunch and splash. As Yezgar loomed over her, Natalia leapt to her feet and drove her sword deep into his gut. She yanked the blade free and skipped behind him. Yezgar crashed into the wall. It collapsed, burying him under a deadfall of mortar and stone.

Natalia raised her sword. "Your turn, Zaran!"

"Kill her!" commanded Zimzabar. His men—blinded, burning, and retching—weighed their chances against a woman who had defeated Yezgar so handily. They dropped their weapons and fled. 

Zaran spat in disgust. He drew a curved knife from his sash. "You'll not stop me, woman! I am the Living Scourge!"

I had noticed in my brief heroic career that combat seemed to involve a great deal of seemingly superfluous dialogue. Lombardo, Dylan, Mercury, and now Natalia and Zaran—with all the posturing, hurling of insults, declarations of intent, and assertions of identity by the combatants it was a wonder anyone had breath left to fight. Perhaps they did it to bolster their courage or simply to break the monotony of the endless life-or-death struggles that consumed their days. 

But I had yet to acquire the habit. So while Zaran waved his knife and ranted, I acted, tackling him from behind. We grappled on the floor. My greater size and strength gave me an advantage, but he was fast and agile.

Meanwhile, Yezgar rose up from the pile of rubble, holding a large chunk of stone in each hand. The axe remained embedded in his chest. His gut wound oozed thick green blood, but was obviously less than fatal.

Mercury now entered the fray. A discarded mace flew to the wizard's hand. He hit Yezgar in the back with a strong blow to the kidneys. This distracted the monster long enough for Natalia to dance in and again sink her sword hilt-deep into the monster's gut. She twisted it hard. That got his attention. 

Yezgar slammed a stone block against her head and shoved her to the floor. She lost hold of her sword, which remained lodged in the monster's abdomen.

With Natalia on her hands and knees, Yezgar slammed the second stone block down on her back, flattening her. He stomped on her head for good measure. Natalia didn't move.

Yezgar, his foe dispatched, now turned his fearsome yellow gaze upon the fool who dared to attack his master. Namely, me.

"Run, Cosmo!" said Merc. There was real fear in his voice. "Run for your life!"

I gaped up at Yezgar's snarling face. A growl like the clash of colliding millstones rumbled from the monster's throat as he crouched to spring.

I shoved Zaran away from me and started for the door. But hearing Yezgar back in the fight, Zaran's men regained their courage and now poured through the entrance. That way was blocked.

Yezgar pounced.

I vaulted over the desk. 

Yezgar smashed it in two.

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