Chapter 12

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"I regret this unpleasantness," said Queen Raella.

I shrugged. "Someone trying to kill me? I'm used to that by now, Your Majesty."

"Bravely said. Come."

She led me from her study to an adjoining workshop. The floor was tiled, the walls lined with books, scrolls, bottles of mysterious liquids, and other tools of the magic arts.

"Mercury's hostility toward the League transcends the bounds of reason," said Raella.

"Why so, Your Majesty?"

"He holds ill will for old wounds. I know well the justice of his complaints, but there comes a time when personal considerations must be set aside for the common good."

"I don't understand."

She gave a rueful smile. "How could you? I refer to events of long ago, before Mercury became the bitter man you know." She took on a distant, dreamy look. "Before he lost his idealism, his faith in the good."  

"I sense a tragic tale."

Indeed, an unseen violin sounded faintly as the queen continued. "Mercury came to court when I was but a silly young princess. He was the handsome apprentice of the great mage Pencader, who served my father, King Raegon, as court wizard. Pencader was also my tutor in the magic arts. Mercury and I took lessons together. Inevitably, we fell in love." She sighed. "He said I was the living image of the Goddess Rae herself."

"How sweet," I said.

"Unfortunately, it is also true. The House of Shurbenholt is descended in an unbroken line from Blaze Shurben, the Son of Rae. Strict laws of succession demand that Shurbenholts wed only the most royal of mates. Mercury, though he is of blood most noble, does not meet the stringent standards of our ancient law. Also, I was already promised to Prince Halogen of Orphalia in a marriage of alliance that would unite two thrones."

"I can see where this is going.""When word of our love reached my father, he banished Mercury from Raelna on pain of death. My heart was broken. For long months Mercury was in hiding. Then my wedding day arrived. With Pencader's secret aid, Mercury returned and spirited me away before the ceremony."

I smiled. "I could see Merc doing that."

"We eluded my father's forces and fled to Caratha. Halogen followed with his knights and might have taken us, but word arrived that my father had died of a sudden illness. Once I was Queen of Raelna, none could force me to marry against my will. But neither was I free to marry as I desired. The only way to wed Mercury was to abdicate, and that I could not do."

"I'll bite. Why not give up the throne for true love? It's very romantic."

She shook her head. "My duty is to my kingdom, to my people. I love Mercury as I could never love another, but duty must come first. Were I to stand aside, power would pass to the Council of Nobles. The people would suffer. Much good would go undone."

"I see."

"With all my heart, I wanted Mercury by my side despite these impediments, but our enemies blocked us at every turn. The nobles urged me to honor my father's agreement and marry Halogen. The League also desired the marriage, believing a combined kingdom could better withstand the Society. Mercury was then a candidate for League membership. The High Council pressured him to forsake me. Mercury refused and Master Pencader backed him. Then Pencader died under mysterious circumstances. Mercury believes he was murdered on orders of the High Council."

"That would more than explain his dislike for the League."

"The Council was rife with ambitious, arrogant men, greedy for power. Today's leaders are different. But with Pencader gone, the League and the nobles combined to drive us apart. By deception, they convinced each of us that the other truly desired an end to our relationship. Mercury departed to become the bitter wanderer you know. I threw myself into ruling my kingdom and enacting reforms. Each of us felt abandoned by the other. It was only recently that we learned the bitter truth."

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