Chapter 25

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We scattered as Erimandras laughed his thin, airless laugh. The Jaws of Death snapped their way through the wall of his bedchamber, reducing the stone to dust. Natalia turned left and sprinted down the corridor. Merc and I ran to the right.

As we ran, Mercury explained the threat we faced. "Death lost a wager with Vanah, Goddess of Fortune. He bet his Jaws against the life of Sajahk the Smiling, a mortal wizard whom she favored. The obvious moral is that Death may be inevitable, but never gamble against Lady Luck."

The Jaws broke clear of the wall and turned from side to side slowly, like a Ganthian bloodhawk searching for its prey. Merc and I spotted an adjoining passage and ducked around the corner.

"Vanah had no particular use for the Jaws, so she hid them inside a mountain, surrounded by mighty magical guardians, monsters, traps, and puzzles—all set to test those who would brave fortune to seek the Jaws. When the necromancers of the world got wind of this, they were dancing on their own graves with joy. Many expeditions were mounted to recover the Jaws. Eventually one succeeded."

The clenched Jaws decided to move in our direction, stalking slowly but purposefully through the air like a hound following a scent. The scent of life. Our scent.

"Dreadful Dwarkanath recovered the Jaws. He was the most powerful necromancer ever. He associated freely with ghosts, wraiths, vampires, and every form of undead horror. He founded the Forbidden Church of Undeath now led by Necrophilus. But even with all his power, Dwarkanath was unable to control the Jaws. They swallowed him whole, reduced his fortress to ruins in mere minutes, and went on a killing spree across six kingdoms before being banished by a large band of priests and wizards. Many thousands perished before the Jaws were stopped."

"None of this is reassuring."

"The Jaws have not been seen since. Some believe Death reclaimed them. But it looks like they wound up with the Overbrat."

The Jaws of Death rounded the corner and streaked toward us, opening wide. We turned to flee and discovered belatedly that we had chosen a dead end.

The irony did not escape me.

Merc stood forth and cast a spell. A huge bolt of crackling blue energy flew from his outstretched hands and struck the Jaws, only to vanish into their dark maw. The dreadful teeth flew onward, unhindered by his attack, and swallowed Merc whole, gulping him into the great beyond with a morbid snap.

The Jaws hovered before me, momentarily sated. I was still trapped. Then Natalia appeared at the far end of the corridor, behind the Jaws, and shouted for their attention. I was impressed and thankful that she had not fled the scene altogether, but her tactic was to no avail. Ignoring her, the Jaws opened slightly and advanced toward me. I held Overwhelm and Gardswell at the ready, wondering if even these enchanted weapons would suffice against a monstrous apparition that could snap down Mercury Boltblaster like a snack cracker.

Which reminded me. "Natalia!" I shouted. "Get Erimandras! I'll handle the Jaws!"

"As you will!"

She turned back toward the Overmaster's chamber. To my surprise, the Jaws spun about and streaked away in pursuit of her. Giving chase, I rounded the corner in time to see Natalia swing her sword in a swift, brutal chop that chipped one of the deadly incisors. Before she could defend herself further, the dental destroyer swallowed her like a grave does a coffin.

I was alone. The Jaws turned to stalk me anew, slowly herding me toward the chamber of Erimandras until I was cornered opposite his door.

"You need not perish with your companions," rasped the Overmaster. "Reveal to me the location of the Superwand."

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