Chapter 15

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I did not awaken from my Rae-induced swoon until the next morning. I found that I had acquired a deep golden tan-even in those places where the sun should not shine. Even more remarkable, all my wounds, down to the least scratch, were fully healed. I rose from my bed and dressed. Soon a knock at the door heralded the arrival of Mercury, Queen Raella, and Master Timeon.

"How do you feel today, Jason?" asked Raella.

"Tan, Your Majesty. Very tan."

"And well-rested, no doubt," said Merc.

"And ready to go," I added.

"You are truly blessed to have the Goddess Rae as your divine patron," said the queen.

"Indeed," said Timeon. "That you stand high in the favor of The Gods can no longer be doubted. You have aptly demonstrated that it is you to whom we must look for our salvation."

"You're not starting that again, are you? I haven't even had breakfast!"

"You cannot escape your destiny," said Timeon.

Merc was about to make an undoubtedly sour comment, but Raella cut him off. "Your role in unfolding events is important, as we have seen. But no one expects you to do more than is reasonable, nor to carry on your quest alone."

"I'm glad to hear that."

"But before we discuss your journey, there are certain duties I must perform in my capacity as Supreme Raediatrix of the Holy Church of Rae. We must formalize your acceptance of Rae as your patron goddess." She thrust a faintly growing sheet of parchment and a pen into my hands. "Sign here."

"Did I accept?"

"Her mark is quite vividly upon you."

Seeing my tanned face in the mirror, I had to concede the point.

"You hesitate," said Raella.

"I don't mean to give offense, Your Majesty, but did not the Bright Goddess strike you as a bit...ah...scatterbrained?"

"What of it?" said Raella sweetly, but with a hint of steel in her voice.

"I believe Jason is suggesting that Rae is not quite what he is looking for in a patron deity," said Merc, with characteristic tact.

"I'm really not looking for a patron at all," I said. "As I told the Goddess Rae, I'm deeply honored, but-"

"But?" said Raella. I promptly shut my mouth. Seeing that I had no further comments to make, the queen continued. "The Goddess Rae is responsible for the life giving, warmth bringing sun, and she has chosen to favor you with her patronage. I must believe that your thoughts of spurning her gracious offer spring from ignorance. You witnessed her destruction of the demonic horde-know you not that in times of gravest peril you too may call upon her for succor? Wheresoever the sun shineth, there she will watch over you and guide you in need. All who honor and serve her will welcome you like a brother and honor you like a king. They will render you whatever service you may require if it is within their ability. Would you, in your present straits, refuse these boons?"

"When you put it that way, no."

"If it is any comfort, you will most often communicate with the Bright Goddess through me. As her chief representative in Arden I am charged with interpreting her will and guiding her worshippers."

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