Chapter 6

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"Natalia, be reasonable," said Merc.

In response, the adventuress hurled a knife at him. Mercury snatched the blade from the air with his right hand. She threw the second knife. He caught it in his left hand with equal sureness.

Natalia Slash laughed. "Return them, wizard."

"What's the point?" asked Merc.

"Do it."

The wizard threw both knives at once. Natalia caught them with ease. "You could have let Yezgar finish me, Boltblaster. You didn't. I appreciate that, so I'll forget about our last encounter. No ill will."

"Fine by me," said Merc, visibly relieved.

"My sword?" said Natalia.

"Still in the ogre. Who is now in the river."

Natalia's face darkened. "That blade has been in my family for twenty generations. In the hands of my ancestors it slew Greatmaw the Dragon, Slissturul the Troll King, and the Wacky Wraith Warriors of Woe who haunt the Jade Tombs of Jadipoor."

"I'm sure it will turn up," said Merc.

Natalia glowered. "And Zaran?"

"Zaran did a triple gainer with a full twist off the other balcony. You should find him in a broken heap on the ground below. But you know how slippery such villains are."

"He can't have gone far," said Natalia. "He'll rejoin his followers nearby and I'll take them all at once." She flexed her armored hands. "Still running from the Society?"

Mercury shrugged. "I like to travel."

"And who is this?" Her steely grey eyes met mine. I felt suddenly small and vulnerable, like a rabbit facing an eagle. Mercury shot me a warning glance, but I didn't need the hint.

"I'm Burlo Stumproot, milady." I bowed.

Sapphrina and Rubis opened their mouths to protest, but caught on quickly. Mercury moved to my side and clapped me on the back. "Burlo here is my new squire. He handles provisions, baggage, cooking, and the like. Good man."

"If you say so," said Natalia, obviously not convinced. She probed and measured me with her eyes. I gave her what I hoped was a suitably servile smile. She pursed her lips and returned her attention to Merc. "Once I have Zaran's head on my trophy wall, I must fulfill a contract for the Theocrat of Stive."

"Swamp trolls?"

She nodded. "Raiding in force again, eating villagers, the usual. It will take a few weeks to clean them out. Next on my list is a commission from our mutual friend Isogoras the Xornite. You can guess its nature." She speared me with her gaze once more and strode from the room.

"I don't think she bought the Burlo Stumproot dodge," I said.

"She didn't."

"You don't look like a Burlo," said Sapphrina, stuffing clothes into a pack.

"She is suspicious of you," said Merc. "But more because you are in my company than anything else. Anyway, she will dispose of Zaran and the swamp trolls posthaste. We have less time to reach Raelna than I thought."

"If she's working for Isogoras—"

"It means he finally realized that the Black Bolts are useless. Hiring Natalia is the first intelligent thing he's done in years."

"You really dislike this Xornite."

"With good reason. We were both apprenticed to the great wizard Pencader. Isogoras was an arrogant and willful student, ever lusting for power beyond his means. In secret, he studied dark magic and made bargains with demons. When Pencader found him out and rebuked him sternly, Isogoras opened a gateway to the Assorted Hells in an attempt to murder our master."

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