Old wounds were opening up!

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Recap: Shaheer explained Jannat that they weren't divorced. By the end of chap, Shaheer's mother told Jannat that Shaheer got shot.

Chap 21. Old wounds were opening up!

"What?!" Jannat whispered in disbelief. "How? Who told you?"

His mother broke the grip over Jannat's shoulder and replied with shaky voice, "There was a g-gang war going on near the building wh-where he works. Th-There he-" She cut herself stopping herself to say any further.

Jannat felt as if her heart will explode any minute with all the acceleration in her pericardium. She pulled apart and asked with disinclined words, "wh-Where is he?"

"He is in em-emerg- gency" She stuttered while replying.

Something warm slipped down her eye, the tears she didn't knew about rolled down. She separated herself from her grip and took her to emergency ward. There she settled her down and walked to trace a doctor.

She spotted a doctor, who was about to enter the operation theatre, and with brisk steps she walked to him. Gulping the pain in, she questioned, "Doctor, the person in the emerg-"

"I will appreciate it, if you sit back and pray. His condition is crucial!" The doctor cut her and ran inside the operation theatre as if he was deer and she was hungry lion, looking for prey.

She closed her eyes, when the doctor was out of sight and the closed door of operation theatre blocked the view.

Ya Allah, Ya Rehman, Ya Raheem! Help me. Help him! Please let him be safe. Ya Allah! You are the only one who can cure. No one else has the power to cure else you! Please cure him!

Jannat prayed as she sat beside her mother-in-law, who was drenched in tears.


It was almost an hour since his surgery started. His parents, Jannat's mother, and Jannat were sitting on the uncomfortable wooden benches, praying for his health, when the door opened and out came the doctor. Four of them ran to him and everyone asked questions about his health.

The doctor took the mask off and broke the news, "I am sorry. He is dead!"

The world around Jannat spun, every sound went mute. Her heart skipped many beats when her lungs pushed air out of her body. Her limbs went numb as her mind did same.

She didn't knew for how long she stood there unable to move, when she felt someone tapping her shoulder, She turned around to see a sweeper, who said something but Jannat couldn't decipher what was being said. But, by the looks, she understood that lady was asking her to move as Jannat was blocking the way.

Jannat shambled to the chairs, where they were sitting before and threw herself on one the chair. As burning tears burned her body and soul.

His mother's condition wasn't any different. She sat on the chair hiding her face in her palms in attempt to hide her tears. She cried and cried to a point where she hicupped. The worst thing a parent faces is the death of their own child. They just don't bury their child's deadbodies, but also their own lives.

Shaheer's death devastated his parents and Jannat. Jannat tried her best to console her parents-in-law, but all in vain. How parents can get over the fact that their own flesh died? How can they put this bitter reality behind them, and move on?


Few weeks have passed from the time when they heard about Shaheer's death. But the trauma and pain remained same. Shaheer was only son of their parents, who was sleeping in the darkness of his grave now.

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