Oct. 8 2012

79 11 1

this week was awesome! I went to a pumpkin patch with and at the pumpkin patch Lauren and I jc jumped on this big deflatible bouncy thing, we bounced on balls (I LOVE BALLS!), we went in a 10 ACRE MAZE that probably took 1 hour and 30 minutes minutes, we got to Sling shot pumpkins and that was it for Sat. On Sun. we watched this guy named Mike Mozart and he does fail toys on youtube (I have absolutely no memory of this. Who the fuck is this "Mike Mozart" guy??), we went to Five Below, and we pranked our moms with fake dog poop! Today be4 she left we played will wii and that was it. At 6:15 I saw Hotel Transilvainia Transilvania and it was awesome! But here's the problem! I think I (NO) am in love (YOU SHITFUCK) with the cartoon character (NO YOU ARE NOT YOU FUCKING DUMBASS FFFUUU) Jonathan, the human. I don't know why but at the end he was so cute! (NO HE WAS NOT OH MY FUCKING GOD FUCK YOU PAST SELF. FUCK YOU.) He was sweet to Mavis I wished Camden would be like that to me! Well My arm hurts so bye!! (LEAVE AND NEVER COME BACK)

Fun Fact: When Lauren visited us last year, we spent our free time on the weekend watching the entire first season of American Horror Story. We didn't have that much time, but at least we finished it. We went to LA this year for vacation and actually saw the Murder House from S1, which was fucking amazing!

Also, why did past me have to be so damn stupid? This is only 3 years ago, too, which makes this a lot worse ;_;

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