Sept. 27 2012

97 10 5

Ok I don't hate my parents anymore. (I JUST SNORTED) I'm still a little mad at them. Well today is Open house. 1 year since I had a crush on Camden. Neve been asked out. Never been noticed. Everyday I watch him. (that is legit the creepiest thing I have ever read what the fuck) He doesn't look at me back. Eved K Everyday I hope There will be a note in my locker from him. He never wrote. Everyday I wish he would just ask me to be his GF! Never, ever, HAPPENED! 1 year never paid off. But I won't give up. (Hun, just give up already.) I will continue to love him, even if he asks me out or not. I love him too much. But He probably doesn't love me. Well I have to go to school now I'lll write later.

Sorry, I never wrote later! :P

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