Jan. 6 2012 - 10:21 pm

166 12 10

Ok I have to make this quick because I will have to go to bed soon and I think I am going to write a lot. First I want to talk about yesterday (Jan. 5th 2012). We have a stoplight/person. If you talk, the stoplight person will put your name on green, yellow, or red. The stoplight person for this week was Trevor. Trevor doe doesn't like his middle name (his middle name is written in this diary, but for the sake of his privacy, since I have already shown his real first name, it will not be revealed.) ad and he doesn't take his job serouisly (sear-iss-lee). Everyone raises their hands and tells/asks him something funny. Julien (A.K.A. Julie) asked if he wanted to see something funny. Of course he said yes. You wanna know what she did? Pulled her shirt down (at least she had a shirt underneath)! We laughed sooooo hard! (I'm trying to say that if she didn't have a shirt on underneath, she would've flashed us whatever she had.)

What also happened that day, is that Trevor said that Camden (his name is surrounded by hearts) liked me! He meant the like like kind of like. In my head I said "It might be true! I mean Camden and Trevor are like best friends! If it's true, I will be sooo happy!" Camden said "no I don't!" to Trevor. Trevor said "Ya you do!" Then he said something like, "You are always nice to her!" I didn't really hear. In my head I said "That's true, but I'm sure if he actually likes me he wouldn't tell. I just know he wouldn't." Then of course HE said "Jessica it's not true." I said "I know" Then I started to think "he is soo lying! Or maybe not..... NAH! He likes me!" I have to admit, it was pretty hard to act like I don't LIKE LIKE him. UHH Boys...

Today was pretty fun. It all started on the bus. The girls were all in the the back and the boys in the front. I am telling you, boys and girls should never sit by eachother. Next..... hmmm I can't think... OH YEAH! I had basketball practice and I have a game (I JUST WITNESSED MY CAT THROW UP A HAIRBALL HOLY FUCK THAT WAS HORRIFYING WHAT THE UFKCJFUC) tomorrow! I also watched a new episode of wizards or (it's OF, sweetie...) waverly place. It was Who will be the Family Wizard. it was awesome! Alex and Justin both kept their powers! Justin wasn Justin wasn't really supposed to keep his powers, but Professer Crumbs told Justin that he was retiring so Justin is the new Professer!! Max on the other hand, Got stuck with the sandwich shop. And of course he was happy. So right now it feels like my arm is going to fall off from all this writing and I think Mary farted. So I am going to finish this page and go. You know come to think of it, I think this is the lon my longest diary entry. Well now I am going to wash my hands and read. Bye.

That was the last episode of Wizards of Waverly Place, right? God, I loved that show. It still is honestly great, but I'm kind of sad that it ended :(

Also, Goddamn, I was absolutely 'lovestruck' over Camden.

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