August 9, 2012

113 8 4

Yay! 8 more days! I can't WAIT to see Lauren, Vanessa, Uncle Bruce, and Aunt Arsenia! Well on to.... SCHOOL! No one in *** knows who their teacher is. I hope I get Mrs. Taylor! She is the nicest. (SHE SPOILS EVERYONE FFFFFFUUUU. AT LEAST YOU GOT THE HILARIOUS TEACHER THAT WE LIKE THAT HATES CHILDREN, UNLIKE THE OTHER KIDS WHO HAD MRS. TAYLOR AND WHOEVER THE OTHER TEACHER WAS.) I hope I'm in the same class as Camden, Alexa, Camille, Bailey, Brionna, Xzavier, Malachi, Dale... that's it. OH! and Mara. But if I could pick one girl and one boy to be in the same class as, it's gonna be, Alexa my BFF. And Camden. My crush. He is sooo HOT! Here is my love meter. *insert a stupid fucking love meter*

I think he likes me! At school we would stare at eachother. He would make a funny face and I would laugh. I told Alexa I liked him. I trust her. He thinks Camille likes him. I think that to. Also, Alexa, Camille, and I think AIDAN likes Camille! Aidan stole stuff and now he is moving. Malachi hated him. He always yells at everyone and lies. Then Mrs. Weber had a talk with us that even if Aidan was mean to us, we don't have to be mean back. We weren't mean to him and he wasn't mean back! I guess it was us sometimes. Well bunches of us hated him. Now bunches of us like him. Well I think that us enogh about school. For now.......

Fun Fact: Xzavier and I have this inside joke that I'm too lazy to explain, but fUCKING PEOPLE SAY HE'S FLIRTING WITH ME, INCLUDING MY MATH TEACHER, AND FFFFUUU IT'S A FRIEND THINV OH M YGOD

Aidan stole a cookie from the teacher, and we thought he was the worst fucking person ever. It was a fucking COOKIE.

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