Part 19 Tour part 3

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Graces point of view~
I walk out of the bus with a feeling of guilt in my heart. I hear Ravin running behind me and grabbing my arm. "Adore needs you where the fuck are you going?" I just kissed some one else what the fuck.?!?! "Then go fix it!" She yells, I walk in and Adore walks into her room locking the door behind her. I knock on the door "Adore please open up." Five minutes past and I knock on the door once more before leaving. "Do you love her?" I look down at the floor. "She was my first love. I'll always love her." Adore slams her door in my face. "I need time to think." After I turn around I hear crashing in her bed room. I quickly walk out and I walk into my bus shutting the door. I feel the buses take off and I sit down exhaling. "This is a fucking mess." I whisper to my self. I hear Roy heavily sleeping in the other room and Courtney sits down next to me. "Some girl stopped by a couple minutes ago asking for you. She said her name was Riley?" I roll my eyes and I huff taking out a cigarette not giving a shit. Courtney opens the window behind us so it doesn't fill the room with the smell of tobacco.
I crawl into my bunk and I exhale at the memory of Riley slamming her lips into mine... I need to stay away from her. I want Adore but I love Riley... Ugh!

The next morning I wake up to Roy shuffling out the bus doors at our pit stop. I pull on a pair of shorts and an over sized sweat shirt and I walk out side I see Riley smoking a cigarette outside my bus. "Hey Gracie" I stand next to her and I bum a cigarette from her we stand there together quietly for the next couple of minutes. "Can I hang with you for a little while? sitting with my Dad for hours in a row isn't exactly fun." I laugh and I nod. Riley hops onto my bus with me and I pour myself some coffee. Riley sits down and I walk over plopping on her lap filling the room with giggles and soft laughter. "So what was with last night? Why did you run off?" She asks wrapping her arms around my waste. "Adore..." Rileys eyes lit up "oh wow I'm sorry." Riley said with some regret in her voice it seemed really sincere. "She said she needs time to think..." 
Riley bites my neck playfully and I can't help but giggle. I lay my head on her lap and she plays with my hair as we watch adventure time. Riley grabs into her pocket pulling out a joint and hands it to me. Of course I take no hesitation and I light it up inhaling deeply. After about four minutes of staring off into space I look over at Riley as she stares at the T.v. with hooded eyes. "Shit that stuff was strong." I say lullingly. Riley huffs agreeing with me and pulls me onto her lap so I'm straddling her. Fuck. She grabs my ass and I groan out of excitement.
"Are you getting me high just to get into my pants miss Riley?" She lays her head back thinking of an answer then I see she forgets what I've even asked. "God you're such a dope head!" I yell. She laughs in a high pitched tone and she hands me some purple pills. I remember taking these, last time I took them I blacked out and I woke up in the middle of our friends pool at her party the next day ass naked on a floaty with another girl. I roll my eyes at the memory and I dry swallow them. Riley smiles at me after I swallow them and I black out last thing I remember is ruffled sheets and clothes being violently removed.
I wake up in my bunk with Riley next to me and we're both naked. Rileys snoring on top of me and I push her off trying to get up I walk out with a sheet wrapped around me and I peer around the corner to see everyone's inside getting ready for there performances. I look out the window to see Adore walking up and knocking on the bus door. I stumble to the door grabbing on atleast a bra and a pair of sweatpants opening the door. Adore looks me up and down confused. "Roy just wanted to know if you wanted to come inside but I see your busy... Hey can we talk?" I try to think straight remembering Rileys in my bed. "Uhhhhhhh nows not a good time." we both look up to see Riley groaning and stretching in only a pair of under wear and a T-shirt. "Oh I see what the fuck ever Gracie." Adore storms off into the building I pull on a shirt and I run in after her.
 "Adore please!!!! I took some pills then I blacked out and riley..." Adore rolled her eyes "no need to explain your sex life it's done." The tone in her voice breaks my heart and I walk over to Roy and I break down and I start crying letting everything out. Roy drops everything and sits down with me in his arms. "Shhhhh you'll be alright whats wrong?" I don't know what to say. "I can't say or you'll hate me." Roy pets my head and hugs me tighter. "Nothing can make me hate you." He says sternly and walks me back to the bus with him. I look around to see Rileys no where to be found. "Tell me." I sit down next to him trying to search through my thoughts on where to start. "So me and Adore had a thing..." I wait a second and I see him still wanting me to go on. I tell him everything that happened from the first kiss with Adore to Riley to Adore angrily storming off   . Roy seems mostly angry at Adore than at me after I tell him everything but he seems glad I'm being open about things. "So who do you wanna be with?" I look down not knowing the answer. "I don't know but I know that I love Adore." Roy pats my back after he leaves for his performance I lay on the couch watching t.v. for the rest of the day.
 After a couple hours I see Roy walk outside talking to Adore. Adore walks in and sits next to me while I'm in fetal position I refuse to move. I look over at him then at the t.v. with an aching feeling in my stomach. Like I was about to cry but I couldn't. Adore looks over at me and sits her hand on my leg. "Roy told me." I closed my eyes hoping Adore would disappear  but she still sits there with hopeful eyes staring down at me. "I get it, you're young you mess up. If you wanna be with someone your own age I get it. But after hearing what happened I don't think it's the right decision." I sit up and I hug Adore tightly. "I love you." I whisper and Adore hugs me back kissing my forehead. "I know what to do now. I want you and only you I'm so sorry I fucked up." Adore nodded and pecked my lips letting me know everything would be alright. 

I walk over to Rileys bus and she hops out. "Whats up babes come back for more?" I could smell the weed on her from a mile away. I shake my head standing back. "Look what happened was a mistake I thought I wanted you but we're not good for each other. Or at least you're not good for me." Riley rolled her head back and leaned up against the bus realizing what I just said. "So you don't want me..." I shake my head slowly and she turns around and stomps into her bus slamming the door behind her. I hope she doesn't do anything stupid. 
I walk back to the bus before taking off and Adores inside watching T.v. I lean up against her and we cuddle for a little while no t.v. nothing just the sound of our breathing. "I'm so glad I have you." I whisper slowly. Adore smiles down at me and brushes my hair out of my face. 

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