Part 4

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Gracies point of view ~
I wake up and look up at Roy to see his arms are still wrapped around me. I sit up and see Roy readjust and fall back asleep. I walk back to my room and look in the mirror and roll my eyes and I walk into the bathroom and get in the shower after I'm done I go into my room with a towel wrapped around me. I turn around and pick out an outfit for the day. I pick out a baggy but not too baggy pair of black sweat pants and a tight v neck white t shirt that shows the little cleavage I have. I put on my makeup straighten my hair and put on my beanie. I lay on my bed and I connect my speaker blue tooth to my phone and I start playing Jeffree Star-Love to my Cobain and I play it up loud an I get out my books and I start reading. Roy walks in after ten minutes takes my phone and turns the volume down and walks out. I sit up confused and he stumbles back in and throws a pair of black head phones on my bed. "There no more blasting music. Ok?" I smile and nod. He runs his fingers through his hair and walks out. He yells "Be ready in an hour we're meeting up with some of my friends for coffee!" I roll my eyes "But I'm already ready." He yells back. "Then I was just yelling at myself then smart ass." I laugh loud enough so he can hear and he laughs back.
Roys Point of view~
I run my fingers through my hair and I put on a pair of pants and a black t-shirt and I brush my hair and walk out. Gracie walks out and laughs. "That was fast." I roll my eyes yes when I'm out of drag I'm very fast. I look to see Gracie's dressed comfortable like me ,that tight v neck shirt shows her ribs that are sticking out and little of what she had for a pair of breasts. I walk over to the door and I open it for her. She sarcastically laughs and says "Mermaids first!" I roll my eyes "Ok Adore!"  She stares at me blankly "Adore says that?" I Laugh "Uh yeah you didn't know that an she sings like what you used to like." Gracie side smiles "Who said I used to like it?" I laugh "You still sing?" She nods and starts walking down the steps.
Graces Point of view~
Roy and I get to star bucks and we walk in. I see three men waving at us to sit next to them. "Hey!" Shane yelled I smile ad walk over and sit next to them. A blond guy smiles and says  don't believe we've met I smile "No I don't think we have?" I look over at Roy with a questioning face. Roy looks at me and says "OHH Gracie Aaron, Aaron Gracie." I smile and shake his hand. "In drag I go by the name Sharon Needles though." I smile "Cool." Danny pats a seat next to him motioning for me to sit by him. I smile and move next to him. "I think we're gonna be great friends Gracie!" He smiles down at me and puts his arm around my shoulder as a friendly gesture. I smile back and we all order. I order water because my stomach wasn't sitting right. And the guys ordered their usual. Roy frowned at me. "Are you ever gonna eat?" I raise my eyes brows "yes but right now unless if you want after digested coffee all over you I suggest you can it." The guys laugh at my smart remark. "I guess she got your attitude didn't she." Sharon laughs. Roy pierces his lips ad bites his tongue he wasn't about to read his own niece.   "OOOO and she got your dimples!" Courtney points out to break the tension. Roy smiles and looks at me "yeah I guess she does." I hide my smile. "Oh hunny you can't hide those beautiful dimples and that beautiful smile." Sharon says and made me smile even more.
Roys point of view~
Gracie gets up and walks towards the bathroom. "Soooo? Isn't she adorable" Courtney says. Sharon smiles "Yes but she's gotta put some meat on that skeleton body bring her over to my house and I'll fatten that boney girl up." Roy frowns "I've been getting on her about eating but nothing seems to work, and when she eats it's like hamster serving sizes." Roy exhales and runs his fingers through his hair. Gracie walks out and gets stopped by a tall blond guy with shoulder length emoish skater hair and they talk for awhile and she hands him a piece of paper. Gracie walks over and sits down casually Courtney and Adore look at me and then we all look at her. "OOOO who was that?" Sharon asks. Gracie Shrugs. Some guy wanted my number so I gave it to him. Courtney's lifts her eye brows "you don't seem that excited though." Gracie shrugs "why should I be?" I laugh "don't worry I don't get excited when random guys hit on me either." Adore laughs "cough cough never cough cough" I roll my eyes and laugh. Courtney smiles "Sooooo Club tonight after our gigs?" I nod and I look over at Gracie and she nods at me.
Graces point of view~
We get to Roys apartment and I flop down on he couch and pull out my phone see see a text from a random number. "Hey beautiful." It says "Who's this?" I text back and put my phone in my back pocket. Roy walks over to me "We have two hours o get ready for my gig. You might wanna dress up a little." I roll my eyes and groan and walk into my room. I pick out a pair of levis high wasted faded short shorts that are shredded in the pockets a little and a black low V neck that is shredded in the back a little and I put a laced Victoria's secret hot pink bra so it shows my cleavage and in the back.  I put on a pair of four inch black heels and this is suttle after seeing how the queens dressed up last night. I put on my makeup and straightened my hair and decided to not wear my beanie tonight. I hear a buzz in my back pocket and I read the text. "We talked at star bucks? You gave me your number." ..."Hello? you there?" I text back "Oh yeah I remember you, yah I'm here sorry I was getting ready to go to my uncles gig then to the club." I walk out and I see Bianca walk in drag. I smile "You look great!" She smiles back at me "thanks." We walk down and hale a taxi over to where shes having her gig. I walk in with her and she gets me a seat in the back before she walks in to greet everyone. "How you doing! oh look at these assholes." I zone out and hear my phone buzz I grab it and see its that guy. "Oh what club?" I reply "the one by star bucks I think." My phone buzzes immediately after sending it. "Oh I know where thats at." I sit my phone down and I start to fall asleep. Bianca walks up to me and shakes me awake. I stand up startled and nearly punch her.  Bianca quickly steps back startled. I sit back down and holds my head in my hands. I'm sorry I get really bad night terrors." Bianca looks down at me and hugs me reassuringly understanding. Bianca helps me up and puts her arm around me and walks me to the queens dressing room. She points me towards a seat and hands me a bottled water. Courtney looks at her worried and asks "whats wrong?" Bianca leans over and whispers. "Night terrors." Courtney mouths "Ohhhhhhh" and quickly goes back to touching up her makeup.  Roy walks over to me de dragged and sits next to me "you still up for the club or do you wanna just hang back at the house." I nod "yeah I'm used to my night terrors don't worry. I've had them since I was five, some nights worse than others." Roy looks at me confused "I don't remember you having them." I roll my eyes. "It was shortly after you left and so did my dad." Roy looks at me stund at what I just said but exhales and takes the truth. My therapist thinks it was because of him too. I look at him and say." If you think it's because of you you're wrong don't blame yourself for my disorders." Roy frowns and walks me over to the front door with Courtney and he other girls. Jinkxs walks over and smiles. "Soooo are we ready?" Roy and Courtney nod and we walk out to hale a cab while the other girls tag along with Jinkxs in her car. 
Roy and I arrive at the club and walk in I sit down on one of the chairs and the girls bring around five shots for everyone. I look around for Roy before taking them and I see him across the club talking to Sharon. I down one after the other and the girls stare at me. "Well you can handle your alcohol can't you!" Courtney yells over the music I roll my eyes. "You won't tell will you?" All the queens nod and go back to bringing around shots five at a time. After my fifth round of five shots I stumble towards the back and I stand by a dumpster and light up one of my Reds. I look over and see a shadow walking towards me and it turns out to be the guy that asked for my number. I take a big drag from my cigarette and I blow it towards him. "Hey." He casually says, I rolls my eyes. "So you're following me now?" He laughs. "Nooooo" His walks over to me stands next to me and gabs my cigarette and takes a drag and hands it back to me. I huff and I take it back in between my fingers I put the half smoked cigarette onto the ground and I step on it to put it out. I try to walk away to go back inside but I end up tripping on my own feet and I fall to the ground. He runs over to me and trys to help me up. I struggle to get up an he lifts me up looking at me with both hands on my shoulders still tightly gripped. He kisses me and I tighten up but then I felt the alcohol kick in and I kiss him back he pushes me against the brick building and opens my mouth with his tongue. After five minutes, I realize what's going on and I come to my senses ,I struggle to get out of his arms. He grips even tighter and bites my bottom lip I stop kissing him and try pushing him off of me he puts all of his weight on me and starts kissing and biting my neck. "No, stop get off. Now!!!!" I drunkenly yell. I hear someone running towards me and he's pushed to the ground. I run inside and I run into Courtney. "Grace where were you!?!" She shouts. I look at her confused. "Where's Roy?!?" Courtney looks at me startled from my tone of voice. "He went out side looking for you." I look at her wide eyed. "Oh shit!" I run back outside an Courtney follows closely behind I see the boy on the ground trying to get up. I see Roy panting over in the corner with his hands on his knees. He walks over to Courtney and grabs my wrist tightly and drags me inside. I stumble at his side and yank my wrist out of his hand. I run to the bathroom and I throw up all over the bathroom toilet seat. Courtney walks in and stands out side of the stall with a roll of toilet paper. I stumble out of the stall and make my way to the sink.
 I wash my mouth out Courtney piers in the stall and sees I only threw up a ton of water/alcohol. Courtney walks over to me and hands me a roll of toilet paper I take it and wipe my mouth. I walk out and see Roy he walks over and hugs me tightly and ehispers "I'm so glad you're ok" and walks me out. We hale a cab and head to his apartment I tumble up the stairs of the apartment building drunkenly and Roy picks me up and walks me to the apartment he unlocks the apartment door and lays me on the couch. I run over to the bathroom and throw up water for the next five minutes Roy walks in behind me and holds my hair back for me.  I lay there with my forehead on the toilet seat trying to catch my breath but I just keep throwing up.
Roys point of view~
I look down at Gracie with hurt in my eyes seeing her throwing up over and over again I didn't know what to do after she catches her breath she couldn't move she's too out of breath. I sit her up against the bathroom tub and she starts nodding out. I grab a sheet of toilet paper and I wipe her mouth. I carry her into the living room and I lay her on the couch so I can keep an eye on her. I bring in a bucket and I lay it next to the couch and I walk into the kitchen to get a glass of water. I shake her awake and I lean her up and I have her take a couple sips of water so she doesn't have too much of a hang over tomorrow. "Nothing will be able to cure this hang over." I think to myself. I lay Gracie back down and I cover her up and and I kiss he forehead goodnight.

Story of a girl with some drag queensDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora