Part 13

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Adores point of view~
I wake up with Gracie in my arms in Courtney's bed. "I hope she backed me up on this last night." I whisper to myself after seeing Courtney not being around. Gracie groans and pulls me tighter not budging to let go. I tuck her hair behind her ear and I kiss me forehead. Her eyes flutter open and she smiles up at me. "You're so warm to sleep with." She whispers I smile playing with her hair. "wanna head down to star bucks?" Gracie beams up at me nodding her head, and gets up to stretch. She moans and groans sleepily and loudly then pulls on some sweats over her long legs and we're out the door.
We walk down the street with messy bed head hair holding hands not giving a shit. "We look fucking cool!" I yell loudly earning stares. Gracie giggles and we walk into star bucks and we order our coffee. "I wanna get Roy something." Gracie says and orders him a coffee. We decide to walk back to his house.
We open his apartment with Gracies key to see him passed out snuggling Courtney on his couch. "AWWWWWWE!!" We both yell, Gracie jumps on the both of them waking them up. "HEY ASS HOLES I GOT YOU COFFEE!" Roy looks up with that 'don't fuck with me' morning face but it softens when Gracie kisses his face all over. "Ok morning breath you done?" Roy chuckles, Gracie nods and hands him his coffee Roy smiles taking it and sits up . She always brings out the best in him... it's fucking adorable.
Courtney wakes up eyeing the both of us with makeup smeared across her face. I walk into the bathroom and I throw her some makeup wipes and I see some hickeys on her neck. I laugh trying to hold it in, She backed us up last night I gotta keep my mouth shut. Courtney groans sleepily and wipes off the last of her makeup. She walks into Roys room sliding on a pair of his sweats and a tank top. "It's too morning for this." Courtney groans sitting down next to Gracie and Roy. Roy chuckles then puts his arm around Gracie, Gracie lays her head on her uncles shoulder and sleepily smiles up at him. Roy grins down at her and sips his coffee. "What do you ass holes wanna do today?" Gracie grins and yells "Shop!" Roy chuckles agrees. We all decide on a queens day out.
Gracies point of view~
Adore decides to take her car and to follow Roy and Courtney since Courtney only has a two seater and she insisted on taking it. As in she's taking it, or she's not going.
Adores point of view~
Gracie jumps into the front seat with straightened hair and a pair of skinny jeans and a tight tank top. I smile at how fast she can clean up. Her blue eyes shine at me and I kiss her deeply before taking off. She bites my lower lip roughly pulling me back into the kiss in a 'don't stop' body language. She enters my mouth with her tongue and I receive a text. She looks down startled at the sound and I read it. "Stop tonguing before Roy sees, ass holes!" Gracie smirks then bites my neck before sitting back in her seat.
We start driving close behind them.
Courtney's point of view~
We drive into the parking lot of the mall I look I the review mirror to see Adore and Gracie behind us. Roy and I get out and Gracie hops out with an excited grin on her face. Gracie hops over and we all walk in. Roy and I split up from Adore and Gracie.

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