"What do you want Derek?" I ask.

"You, me on a date tomorrow night." He said coyly.

I look at him and pretended to ponder about it for a few seconds and then said. "No" with that I left a generous tip on the table and took my stuff and walked out of the restaurant with Derek hot on my heels.

"Come on please. I wanna make it up to you. I acted like a jerk last night and I wanna apologize by taking you out on a date." He pleaded.

"Wait, how'd you know I was going to be here?" I ask him

Did he follow me here? Oh my gosh he's probably a stalker!

"I just know, okay. Now will you go on a date with me? I have never begged a woman to go on a date with me, ever. But here I am Jessica pleading, begging for-"

I roll my eyes and said, "Yeah, yeah, yeah. I'll think about it." He smiles widely, which was pretty cute. I wave and was about to go to my car when a hand stops me. I look up to see Derek. I roll my eyes. "What now?"

"I want to give you my number so you can call me when you make up your mind." He said.

"What if I don't?"

"Trust me babe, you will." He winks at me. I look at him in disgust.

"Fine. Give me your number." I said.

He wrote it down on a piece of paper he found in his pocket and gave it to me. "Okay, I gave you my phone number. So can I have yours?"

"Let me think" I tap my index finger on my chin and pretended to think. "Nah" With that I went to where I parked my car earlier.

"What! But I gave you mine" He whined.

I open the driver seat, sit down and then close my door. I roll my window down and said to him. "Damn you're so desperate."

"Desperate for you" He said.

"Bye Derek." I said as I roll my window up.

"Fine! Don't give me you're number then. Not that I needed it anyways." With that he walks away. I scoff at him and drive to my house. Then I remembered.

I left Keyla at the restaurant!


"You're liar! You never gave her the letter!" I yell to the TV as I throw popcorn at it. Right now I'm in my living room watching 'The Notebook' while eating popcorn, and sobbing.

"Noah I-"Allie started to say in the movie but was cut off by my door bell.

Ding Dong

I groan and walk to the front door and open it. When I open it to see a smiley Keyla. She walks in and went into the kitchen. Probably looking for something to eat in my fridge.

I walk back into the living room and she walked in seconds later with a bag of chips. She took a 'Teen Vogue' magazine on the book shelf and sat down on the couch. Then she looked the TV. "Oh my god! You're watching 'The Notebook' and you didn't tell me!"

I take a seat next to her and shrugged. We spent the rest of the night watching movies and eat popcorn and snacks and around eight we ordered pizza.

At nine almost ten, Keyla left and I was cleaning the living room since there were popcorn everywhere. When I was done I went to take a shower and when I was done taking a shower I put on my night clothes and I went to bed.

While I was in bed I was thinking if I should go to the date with Derek or not. I mean he was being a jerk at that party but he was being somewhat sweet when he was asking me to go on a date with him so he could make up to me.

The Billionaire's New Assistant.*New Version* Where stories live. Discover now