Chapter 29

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Tyler's POV
Me and Ashley have been home now since yesterday, we have set up the nursery with the extra equipment because of Caleb. Me and Ashley are both laying in bed when I hear Hanna and Caleb crying "Ill get them!" I said getting out of bed, I pick them both up and hold them close to me rocking them side to side. They are now 1 week old, Caleb has my brown hair and Hanna has Ashley's blond hair, they look just like us. Their always hungry! They are defiantly our kids! "Ash! Babe their hungry again!" I shout "I'm coming!" She says back.
Ashley's POV
I'm in love with my babies, their my world along with Tyler. In a months time we both have to go back to work, it's okay though because our house isn't far from set so when Ty or I have long breaks we can go back home and see the twins. We have hired a very good nanny to look after them when we are gone, she use to look after Marlene's kids when she was working too! "Ty! Can you run over to Starbucks and get me a soy latte blend and a salmon bangle please!" I ask down the stairs to Tyler "of course I was going to go anyway" he says laughing picking up his keys "love you!" I say he just gives me a cheeky smile as he walks out of the house. It's my family against the world.

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