Chapter 5

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Ashley's POV
Practicing our scene made a world of difference to our performance today. "That was excellent! Well done it felt so real I started tearing up!" Exclaimed Marlene. "Thanks Mar!" We both said. Me and Tyler looked at each other for a bit before congratulating ourselves because of our performance. "Tyler I enjoyed every moment of that scene" I said "me too" agreed Tyler. The way he looked at me , ahh it made me feel so special, I think that's one of the reasons I love him...... Wait I love him! "TYLER!!" I yell while running really fast to the car park, he turns around and I run straight into his arms kissing him. "I love you" I whisper in his ear, and he replied with "I love you too!"
Tyler's POV
I can't believe it Ashley just told me she loved me!! Am I dreaming? The girl who I have loved for like a year has said she loves me too! We held each other in a warm embrace until a tapping on my shoulder forces me to turn around. "Hey Lovers! Remember me!" Ryan screams. Ashley's starts to shake, i look at her worriedly and she shouts "TY!" Ryan punches me. I'm okay I get up from the floor with an anxious Ashley looking over me. "Are you okay??" She adds "yep babe I'm fine". Ashley looks so angry, Ryan is just standing there laughing at him! "What's so funny?"She screams! "your so pathetic, your Girlfriend is pathetic! Oh TT are you okay. Im so sorry" Ryan says pretending to cry. "CRY! I'll GIVE YOU SOMETHING TO CRY ABOUT!!" Ashley shouts. I try to stop her but she slaps him full force in the face, Ryan's bleeding a little but he looks so mad, I can tell Ash I regretting her choice. "Did you just hit me?" Questioned Ryan "bad mistake". He grabs Ashley's wrist jerks it behind her back, throws her to the floor and completely snaps her arm. I tried to help her but Ryan kept hitting me, I didn't give up I rang security. Ryan was on top of Ashley punching her so hard in the face she was screaming. I got up, whacked Ryan over the head to get him off Ashley. Next thing I know security was there arresting him for physical assault.
I looked down to see Ashley turned in her side screaming, "Ashley?" I rolled her over revealing massive bruises on her face. She took one look at me and started crying she said "baby, your face.... It's all my fault!"
"No Ashley it's not! Don't say that! what hurts your head? Arm?" I asked
"I think he broke it.... TYLER I CANT MOVE IT!" She said sacredly
"We will take you to the hospital right now, I will never leave you, i love you!"
"I love you" she replied. 

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